Technicalities behind the magical stones

"Do you mean that... "

Initially standing up and shouting in reaction to my words, Pavlo suddenly went silent when the realisation of what it really meant dawned on him.

"Let's not keep you out of the loop, mister Baskar."

Given how the two of us were already in the know, the head of the family was obviously the only person remaining in the dark. Even though I could guess that a man of his calibre would be able to guess a huge part of the story from our actions and reactions so far, there was no point in holding the proper information away from him.

This line of thought actually struck a delicate cord in my soul. As much as I wanted to avoid this topic in a silly attempt of believing that what I didn't think about wouldn't become a problem I would take care of, ultimately it was impossible. Sooner or later I had to face the reality.