
"Out of everything, I just can't wrap my head around this naming sense of yours. Why call the appearance of magic an apocalypse? To be fair, it's slightly problematic for me to imagine a world without magic in the first place, so my opinion might be biased but…"

Stopping mid-sentence, Ayda clearly hesitated how to wrap her feelings in proper words. After all, what for her was akin to an important story, was an actual part of life for me. Even though from the very beginning of our relationship when we occasionally met in the shop Ayda didn't appear as a considerate person at all, the better I got to know her, the more her initial image continued to change in my head.

"For our world, it was the apocalypse. You see, no matter whether you have magic, mystical arts, technology or anything else, ultimately the society you live in is a result of all the work that previous generations did to create it in the first place, right?"