
"So you say you received those stones from your organisation?"

Even though with the depopulation of the entire rural areas some rumours have been spreading about how dangerous it was to be outside the city, their return to the nearby train station didn't seem risky at all. With the pleasant weather only improving the mood of everyone as the leaves of the nearby trees continued to rustle gently on the wind, their glorious return seemed more like a pleasant stroll than the end of a deadly expedition.

"You could say that we are only testing the possibilities and usefulness of those artefacts. Whether they will hit the open market or not…"

Spreading his arms for an answer, Tommy, the leader of the other group smiled gently. 

"It's not like they tell us anything. Everything that I just told you is nothing but the shared guess that we made as a group."

Adding to the discussion, Tommy explained as he pointed his hand at the rest of his group.