Meeting Penne


Speaking to myself while I played around with the artefact that Sander produced. Contrary to the artefacts crafted by Huskarl, the item that I was currently holding didn't resemble a stone in any way or form. Consisting of five layers arranged in a pyramidal pattern, they were held by a simple wooden stand. Just like with the crushing artefact that he prepared to streamline the process of turning the charged stones into stardust, it required a fueling stone to be placed at the bottom of the stand and would activate upon pressing the upper part on springs together with the fueling stone.

According to the craftsman's words, this artefact would be capable of constantly pouring the flames for as long as it would be in an active state. The other limitation was obviously the energy capacity of the fueling stone, but with just a few of them held in one's pocket, this simple artefact most likely could curb the entire market of flamethrowers out of existence!