Trolling evolution

"Wait, what?"

Standing in front of this godlike figure, even hearing what it said wasn't enough for me to clarify the situation. After all, I could claim that I was the pope of the long lost Atlantis faith from the earth, and no one could prove me wrong. 

"I know it's a lot to digest at once, but this entire mission… You could say I just took one of your wishes and turned it into an opportunity to have a talk with you. In the end, just watching your progress from the sidelines can quickly get boring."

Hearing the words of this white being while watching its motionless face was quite a strange experience. Even the way in which the only real feature on this thing's head was a line of its lips, seeing it keeping its mouth in a constant, ironic smile was more than necessary to put me on the edge.

"Wait, wait, wait. Let's start at the very beginning. You called yourself Bart, is that right?"