Three requests

"Are you ready then? I don't think there is any point in waiting. Since you drank that potion already, the worst part is already behind us, isn't it?"

Raising from the bed, I gently ignored Ayda's plead. Whether I would nail her down with the intention of impregnating her was fairly obvious, but allowing this topic to remain on the agenda would only spoil the fun later on.

"Actually, I need just a few minutes. While you are coming in and out, I got quite busy with several matters. Wait for me a moment please."

Jumping off from the bed, Ayda pulled on her shirt to fix it on herself before leaving the room. The hasty way in which she placed her steps only proved how eager she was to visit earth.

"Finally… I will get her to my home…" Initially, I wanted to just spend a few moments enjoying just the thought that my long-lasting wish would finally come true when I suddenly realised all the possible hardships bound with bringing someone to earth.