Your Holy Majesty!

"Agh, I can't believe it is over already…"

Stretching my arms high in the air, I released a long sigh. My strange behaviours instantly earned me a weirded-out glance from my bodyguard to the side. 

"Sir, did you expect more… troubles? Like, I still can't figure out why I was needed here in the first place…" 

As the expert of the second level, this man was clearly someone busy. Using his services to achieve certain missions was already so expensive, that he started to value even his free time accordingly. For him, acting like a bodyguard, was nothing more than a waste of his skills, and a waste of the money required to hire him in the first place!

"Troubles? Ah, no. That's not what I meant by that." 

To see through the intention hidden in that expert's question was a simple task. Since he was told to act as my bodyguard, anyone could expect for some fighting to occur. But that wasn't his role from the very beginning.