Let's burn this place down

In the end, Ayda was still way above me in terms of battle and war experience. In fact, I only managed to somehow survive through several ordeals, while she was already a hardened veteran of escape from the persecutive forces of Wizards. With that in mind, it shouldn't be that surprising or down-putting for her reaction to the recent attack to be so calm when compared to the emotions that raged in me back then.

But as shameful as it was for me to lose my cool right in front of my beloved girl, there was nothing I could do about it at this point. Rather than that, it was better to just let this unfavourable moment pass into obscurity. 

On the other hand, Ayda didn't seem to share my thoughts. With her eyes glancing at me every now and then, only when our eyes would meet would her lips turn into a lovely smile. As soon as the connection would be broken, her face would twist in wrath, with a strange mumbling coming from between her lips.