
In the end, this was one of the most tiring nights that I have ever experienced. 

From the moment we started, all the way until the sun hid for the night only to emerge several hours later, my hips continued to pump. My balls continued to frantically produce sperm. My penis continued to desperately shoot it out. 

Even though the great majority of the time I spent in Ayda's embrace, not a single shot reached her womb. Despite clearly forcing herself to do it, whenever this damned lass would feel that I was reaching the fulfilment, she would order me to move above that despicable female general, only to slam me balls deep into her already overflowing hole. 

While at first, I was rather against the entire idea, I still ended up going through with Ayda's plan. Somewhere in the middle of the night, I learned the truth behind the sadistic kink, discovering the pleasure in constantly dumping the powerless body of my slave full of my cum.