I'm not in charge!

"You made it! How's your day?" Stepping forward, I greeted Ayda. Walking towards me directly on the street, she wore the same distinctions that I added to all my outfits, flaunting just how beautiful my cult was. 

"Bearable. Is this the place?" Despite wearing the best dress that the people I hired could create for her, Ayda refused to just be here to look nice. Cutting right to the point, she looked at the huge building in the middle of the town. 

"Yeah, but we still have some time. I already reserved the seats for us." Pointing at a nearby bench, I smiled at the girl. "How about we sit down for a short rest?"

Ever since we returned from Ayda's world, life was pretty frantic for the both of us. Torn between all kinds of duties, we barely had the time to sleep, not to speak about any kind of leisure activities. In light of how busy we were, the chance to just sit down and enjoy the moment was pretty rare.