Bad gun in Apex, great gun against monsters

Maere. It wasn't a word I was familiar with. Yet, it didn't mean I wasn't scared by the thing that appeared in front of me. On the other hand, the fact that the local populace had not only a name, but a clear history with this something was a clear indicator that there was a reason to be worried about it.

"What does it want?" Directing my question towards Arsha, I provoked her to turn her head towards me. Yet, rather than answering my question, she just allowed me to look at her terrified eyes.

"Does it want the core?" Taking a step back, I asked the question out in the open, not directed to anyone in particular.

"How in the hell do you expect us to know what it wants?!" Hearing the clear hints of panic in Longinus' voice, I finally realized just how dire this situation could be. The same man that didn't even flinch when he faced against me and Teria was now trembling in fear.