Three options

"And how are you going to do that?" After the initial shock-based silence passed, the prince asked.

"Well, there are three ways in which I can achieve that." Resting my back against the side of a small watchtower embedded into the embankments, I looked to the skies. "First one is simple, kill everyone that opposes the idea."

Even though there was a possibility that thia kind of solution would only end up failing my mission and turning all my efforts so far into nothing, it was still something that I had to consider.

"The other option is on the other end of the extreme. And it is centered around getting rid of the top brass of the northern Federation so that Dearie could just sweep out and take their place in one fell swoop." I uttered after a long pause. In fact, both the second and the third options that I was about to reveal, were nothing but just some random ideas that I came up with on the spot.