Dearia (smut)

"Calm down," Dearie whispered in my ear. "I'm not going anywhere, so there is no need to rush," her soft voice made my entire body tingle, at the same time as she started to slowly run her hand up and down my shaft.

We both still wore our clothes. Yet, even this barrier didn't stop me from feeling just how soft and warm Dearie was. The waves of the sweet air she breathed out filled my nose. The gentle yet already rapid beating of her heart was reverberating through my muscles.

Then, her hand started to move a bit quicker.

"Hey," Dearie raised her eyes on my face, "could we… kiss?" she asked, full of hesitation and worry. My excitement shoot through the roof.

"Come here," I said, unable to stop urges from taking better of me. I laid my hands on the girl's waist, before leaning over her face and going in for the strike.