Anger and Pride always seem to work together hand in hand.
That was only cause there could not be anger without pride.
Baldur and his inexperience would no doubt keep him from his goals of ruling the new world. This just goes to show that some can lead while others could not.
Baldur was one who relied on fear and intimidation, that was only cause that was all he had to offer. Though he was intelligent, he liked to fight and kill anyone in his way.
As a leader you must be able to work together with others, rather than relying only on yourself.
Juggernaut looked at Razer whose ankle was swollen, "You okay?"
Razer hissed out, "How am I suppose to know!"
Sawtooth approached Razer as he looked at the brutes ankle, his claws touched the swollen appendage carefully.
Razer growled loudly in response, the pain he was feeling made it seem like he had a broken bone.
"Your ankle is definitely inflamed, and feeling around here it seems you may have a fracture.", spoke Sawtooth who continued to feel the ankle.
Juggernaut glared, "You serious?"
Fiend looked at them in silence, it was easy to see that he knew what would of happened. He also probably wanted to see if Baldur could defeat the herbivores. From the looks of it, Baldur couldn't even defeat them.
What he saw tonight was that the herbivores were smart, they also worked together. They communicated. While they did not communicate.
The inexperience that they had could not be denied either.
Wraith slowly appeared from the shadows, her right shoulder had three cuts which bled heavily they would no doubt leave scars. Scarecrow looked at Wraith in surprise, probably cause he was so use to seeing her with no injuries.
Thrash glared at Wraith, "You wanted us to follow that!"
Wraith glared sharply back at him, "Shut it dungface!"
Thrash blinked and he growled loudly, "WHAT DID YOU CALL ME!?!"
The tension between them was very thick, as well as hard to ignore. Both of them glared at one another as they both showed their fangs.
Baldur appeared and once he did, was their a awkward yet serious silence that hung over them like a cloud. Thrash and Wraith went silent once Baldur appeared, but the looks they gave to each other were quite aggressive and unfriendly.
Sawtooth looked at Baldur silently before he said, "What have we learned?"
Baldur blinked and glared, "What I learned is that you all didn't live up to your words!"
Thrash exploded, "Excuse you!?! How could we get close to them if there was holes!"
"You charge through!", snarled Baldur.
Razer glared at everyone, "Shut up! I don't want to hear it!"
Sawtooth was calm as he listened to each snarl and shout, he looked at Fiend who stood there silently as he listened to everyone's rage.
How could a clan function like this? It's simple, it could not function. This was doomed to the very start.
"Everyone listen.", calmly spoke Sawtooth. His hands were raised as he walked into the center of everyone's eyes. "I think what we need is to communicate."
Wraith held her shoulder as it bled, she looked at Sawtooth with a odd resolve. "You want to communicate?"
Sawtooth smirked a bit, "Of course, I don't think we will get anywhere if we are at each other's throats."
Thrash looked at him in silence, he looked at everyone else who went quiet as well. Sawtooth had that quality, and it was probably cause he was so observant of what was going on around him. Baldur on the other hand glared clearly not liking that he had lost to herbivores.
Herbivores that were according to him, were below him.
"What are you trying to do!", glared Baldur.
Sawtooth looked at him calmly, he turned to look at him. "What I am trying to do is get you all to see what happened tonight. We lost only cause we didn't think and plan. If we had things would of been different."
Baldur glared sharply making his red eyes burn, "Plan!?! We don't have time to make pitiful plans!"
Sawtooth could see that Baldur was furious, he wanted to do things his way. If he did do things his way, they would fail. There was no doubt about that.
"We do have time, we make a plan we conquer these lands faster.", replied Sawtooth.
Juggernaut nodded clearly on board with him, Razer and Thrash looked at one another with thoughtful looks. Sawtooth's words were sinking in with everyone else.
Wraith looked down before looking at her injured shoulder, she looked at Baldur with a mixed expression.
Many could see who was a good leader, they could also see who was not fit to be a leader.
Baldur probably knows this which was why he was furious and outraged about merely communicating. Sawtooth looked at Baldur for a moment more before looking at Wraith and her injured shoulder.
"Let's recover and think this through, we are in this together. We want the same thing, we won't get it if we are all dead.", Sawtooth said this in a cool manner. He was thinking with his brain.
Wraith watched as Sawtooth walked over to her, he gave her a smile which made her feel uncomfortable. She of course accepted his help for he knew how to treat wounds.
It was just surprising that a giant carnivore had so much medical knowledge, he had so much more knowledge than any herbalist that she had seen.
She knew that it was taboo for a large carnivore to practice herbalism.
In some clans from far off, they would punish them for even thinking about herbalism. Punishments could lead to complete banishment from a clan.
Sawtooth from what she saw had a great interest in wanting to use herbs. He also had a heightened knowledge of what most herbs do. She could clearly tell this by how he didn't hesitate to pick up a herb and use it.
Wraith looked at her properly mended shoulder, she watched as he walked over to Razer to properly set his broken ankle. She didn't like anyone here, but Sawtooth had this flare about him.
She didn't see anyone like her when it came to mutations, but she felt like her and Sawtooth shared a bit in common sort of. She hated her appearance while he hated the system.
She had a strange relationship with herself since she had so much strength, while Sawtooth had a strange relationship with herbs.
It probably didn't make sense but she felt like they shared something in common.
Baldur walked away, probably going to let off steam.
Wraith could see that Baldur was impatient, confident, and greatly arrogant. She will admit she had never seen anything like him before, but the guy made her skin crawl in a negative way.
She agreed to joining him only cause she wanted to change how things were run. Everyone was just using another, and that was common.
This clan was just a sham of a agreement, using each other in order to get the prize and power of making a new world that was their own.
So many people in this world were fighting for what they believe in, they all fought fairly or unfairly. Whatever the case, so many lives will be lost all do to everyone's greed and hunger.
Stop and think, who was really a beast here?
Blind beasts didn't care about anything besides eating and reproducing. While those with the conscious of minds were fighting each other like mad to get what they want.
It wouldn't be a surprise if those who were conscious were actually the ones who were truly blind.
As this sham of a clan rested, everyone was still on edge. Juggernaut was conversing with Razer and Thrash about something relating to if it was worth it to stick around.
Sawtooth has said some interesting things, he honestly believes in them accomplishing their goal. It could most likely happen, if all it takes is to communicate with one another then heck they should stay and give it a shot.
But Baldur was going to make this difficult. That was for sure.
Baldur honestly believes that he has what it takes to rule a clan, if he can't even rule a clan how could he possibly be able to rule the new world?
Fiend and Scarecrow were talking to Sawtooth, probably asking some questions about who really was in charge.
Wraith watched them all from where she sat, she looked down in silence before standing up and approaching Sawtooth. If she was going to stick around, she may as well get to the bottom of it.
Sawtooth turned as he looked at her, he smirked toward her in a calm manner. "How do you feel?"
Wraith crossed her arms as she spoke, "Who rules this clan?"
Sawtooth looked at her silently before responding, "Baldur of course."
Wraith gave a look that was not impressed, "Oh."
Sawtooth looked around before lowering his massive cranium to her, his voice took on a hushed tone. "Look, I get it. Bare with me alright? We need his strength if we are able to push through."
Wraith looked at him in the eyes, "..."
"I don't want to lose a power house like Baldur, he is able to take on a lot more than any of us. The guy can't feel pain, and that will no doubt help us in the long run. Play along alright?"
Sawtooth was absolutely serious about this, but of course Wraith should of known from the start. If anything, she had learned that you can't completely trust anyone. Not ever. You do, you die the next day.
This world was a joke, and who knows this whole talk of 'changing the world' could be a joke as well.
Wraith shrugged before she replied, "I get it."
Sawtooth smirked as he said, "I will make a plan, once we all heal up we will attack them herbivores again. This time we will win. Trust me."
She gave a small smirk in response, she trusted him more than she trusted Baldur.
Baldur was all muscle, he could probably think as well but the guy was all about action first then words later.
Sawtooth on the other hand was think first, and then action later. That was no doubt better than running in blind to danger.
Razer learned that the hard way as funny as it was to see the giant brute fall flat on his face.
Sawtooth lifted his head up after saying his piece, he soon walked to Juggernaut, Razer, and Thrash. It was clear that he was going to tell the exact same thing to them like he had done so to her.
Sawtooth was using Baldur, much like how Wraith was using this clan.
With enough planning, they could accomplish anything. Conquering a new world sounded so much better than being in it and not having any say so on how it should be run.
Ruling would be fun, and putting different people in their place was going to be entertaining. She was going to enjoy hearing the cries of those who hurt her, and gave her hell. She was going to work hard in getting her revenge, after all that was all that kept her going.
As the night rolled up upon them, this once defeated clan had new motivation and it was thanks to Sawtooth and his words.
Baldur returned later that night, unaware was he that Sawtooth had a plan that included using him. The spinosaurus was as slippery as a serpent, his intentions were not at all kind either.
The herbivores were strongest together, but if they could be strong so could the carnivores. This plan that Sawtooth had in mind was as lethal as it could get. The herbivores will suffer a horrible experience when they were to meet again.
It was so surprising that days don't last long at all, there was so much to get done but there was so little time to do it. Bloodmaw had talked and trained with Lesion all day, and now it was night time.
The clan of Bloodmaw were getting ready for sleep.
Bloodmaw laid beside Lesion who was asleep at his side.
Bloodmaw had discussed that he was going to train Lesion, which of course surprised Swiftscale. The baryoynx felt bad about it cause well that meant that Lesion and Jr would be some what apart.
Jr of course was aware of this and had grown rather quiet. Swiftscale and Ebony decided on laying beside Jr that night, which made him lightly happy.
Adder apologized to Devastate, with Nina's support of course.
So much was going to happen now, that much was a given.