"Son, I think you're ready; head to Washington DC, once there -" The mysterious voice is interrupted by Aaron being awaken by Mrs. Johnson slightly nudging him, "Mom, I don't wanna go to school." Aaron says before waking up enough to remember, "Alright, I'm up Mrs. Johnson, sorry for being a bother." Aaron apologizes in a somber tone.
The motel they were in was run down and smelled of rat cheese, but after days of travel without sleep, The room was heavenly.
Aaron soon got up yo take a shower, but open inspecting the shower, he opted out, instead he decided to wait until a better shower was an option.
"Not an option Aaron, you need to stay clean." Mrs. Johnson explained. "I think that shower would only make me dirtier." Aaron complained. "Just do it." Mrs. Johnson ordered. "Okay, okay." Aaron replied.
And so ensued the worst shower Aaron had ever had in his entire 12 years on earth. Although he was many years older than Mia, Mia didn't seem 7, so a lonely Aaron was bound to become acquainted with her in his ever expanding search for companionship, Mia was lonely as well, seeing as she was far to intelligent for the average 7 year old.
'What a weird dream, that voice didn't sound anything like father.' Aaron thought to self as he left the cold shower and dried himself, his choice if clothes was very limited, after all, they just grabbed random clothes from the stores they scavenged from.
Aaron's choice of clothes was between clothes that were far to small or clothes that were far to big, he chose the ladder for comfort.
Upon leaving the bathroom he is greeted with a pillow to the face, upon removing the pillow, he sees a annoyed Mrs. Johnson trying her hardest to rip a peaceful Mia of her bed. "BWAHAHHA-" Aaron begins laughing before being interrupted by another pillow to the face.