Not Quite a Reunion

One moment the evening has felt so pleasant with his wife by his side, and then on the next, everything has started to turn into a nightmare.

Adrian watches how Cassidy stares back at him with a disconcerted expression. She appears reluctant to leave. It shows when Charles tries to pull her away, but she keeps looking back at him in worry.

At the rate of how this is going, Adrian does want Cassidy to leave. He can't afford to drag her back with him where the mad shooting is ongoing. He is already in a dire situation. As more and more people swarm all around the exit, he finds himself stuck before he eventually gets swept all the way back to where they all come from.

Yet for some reason, more than the appalling sound of gunshots that keeps penetrating through the place, what distresses him greatly is the moment when his wife completely disappears from his sight. 

The bad feeling that Adrian kept getting earlier has intensified.