Dilemma of a Traitor

If Cassidy can't buy them fifteen minutes, then maybe she can do something else - anything that can save Adrian and the others. 

In the face of death, she straightens up and stares intently at Dylan. Steeling her resolve, she then proceeds to commence her plan. 

"Uncle, let's make a deal."


Asher wasn't really into smoking.

However, he'd smoke cigarettes more often these day. The cigarette butts had been useful in keeping himself awake. 

On any other day, he probably wouldn't have resorted to such dire measures. But this is already his seventh day of holing himself up in his office. He rubs his eyes and suppresses a yawn, struggling to stay awake. 

'I can't afford to be drowsy. Sleep is for the dead...' Asher thought then cringed.

'No, don't think about death like that unless you're the subject of the sentence.'