A Rare Side

At some point in the celebration, Asher finds himself all on his own at the balcony – with only the moon up in the night sky, the cool evening air, and the reigning silence keeping him company. 

He leans against the balustrades, immersed in his thoughts. To his relief and delight, the party has flown seamlessly and smoothly. Seeing Cassidy's old family again has been quite an exhilarating experience. It's indeed typical of Adrian to pull off something as difficult as that in only a short period of time.   

Still, Asher feels a bit too at ease.

They may have had forgiven him for partially siding with Dylan, but then again, they are Cassidy and Adrian – they are too kind for their own good. They let Irish and Olivia take a shot in redeeming themselves despite all that they did, and while the same did not go for Grisham and Gertrude this time, they are still willing to give second chances regardless of what they've been put through.