
"He is a mage!?" a motherly female voice exclaimed near me. "Are you sure?!" she had said with some excitement.

"yes, I'm sure! I saw pure fire coming from his body, and he threw a fireball Anne!" the man exclaimed. "Not only that but he was consumed by it! Magic was pouring out of his eyes, what else could he be!"

The man told his wife about what the boy had done about how he had formed a sword out of the solid fire to cripple the Mercenary captain before with a huge amount of force he stabbed the blade he had taken from the man, all the way through to the hilt of a short sword. He told how the scream of rage coming from me even scared him when he saw me the man.

"is the boy going to be okay?" Anne asked with concern.

This is when I started to move my face towards the talking and was able to open my eyes without them hurting as much as it did before. My eyes were still sensitive but not nearly as bad as the last time I had come awake. At first, all I saw was a bright light and small details around me like the blanket I was under was white and it looked like a bed canopy was above me also white. No wonder I couldn't see! I was surrounded by light of all kinds with the sun shining through the window on my left bouncing of the predominantly white room with white furniture.

As I opened my eyes the woman softly sighed when she saw that my eyes seemed to give off a very slightly orange otherworldly glow was coming from my eyes for a few seconds before fading back to an almost grey color. Now the barest hint of orange around the iris of my eye as I looked fully back at Anne and her husband.

Sadness swelled within Anne's eyes as she saw the almost dead look in my young eyes. For being 15 I had seen too much. Watching my mother getting murdered In front of me had done some serious damage to my mind. She rushed to me and held me as I leaned into her. I didn't cry, I didn't make a sound as I was trapped in her arms as she knew that I had remembered what had happened. Had remembered who had taken my mother from me!

"Anne step away from the boy!" the man spoke loudly as fire mana started to color my hair back to an ethereal orange color!

"Control Bruni!" Anne said loudly as she stepped away. "You must control it! Do not let it consume you again!" she said as she quickly drew upon her own magic to create a ball of glowing white light on her palm in front of me.

"Calm down boy." The man said sternly from where he stood at the edge of the bed. "control your anger and pain boy, or else I will be forced to put you back to sleep for your own good!"

I didn't hear any of this as soon as the glow came from Anne's hand it had drawn my eyes like a moth to a flame. The glow drew me in as soft sweet words of calm and understanding enveloped my mind and slowly the orange began to receded back down till not a trace of orange was left in my hair. "It's okay Bruni you are safe." a voice whispered in my mind as I started to slump sideways only to be caught in the soft embrace of Anne's arms.

"I'm so sorry Bruni for what you have lost, but you must control your emotions now that you have awoken your mana! Strong emotions can activate your affinity." Anne said as she still held me watching for any signs of me losing control again.

I opened my eyes again and looked up into my eyes as tears started to run my face. Much to her surprise, it looked as if one of my eyes still held fire mana in its grasp. "Let it go, Bruni," she whispered and watched as the last of the fire mana had finally fled my eyes, and I once again passed out.

"We must inform the Magic Collage about our new wild mage, also I have to inform his Grace, king Elmond about the declaration of war from the Empire of slate!" Anne said as she laid me back into the bed.

"I have already prepared the letters for the king and once you give me the letter for the Collage then I will send the messenger towards the law, the capital of Endif." the man spoke quietly as he led his wife from the room towards where their children were waiting in quiet amazement for seeing magic being used again as it happened rare enough.

"Mom! What was that light?!" the little girl asked as she was led down the hall by her father.

"Haha, one day my sweet I will show you but not yet, you still have a few more years before I can start to instruct you." Anne tittered at Kait. "You have my blood so I know u will be able to use magic. But please leave the Bruni alone for the time being. He has just come into his magic and cannot control it yet, so for your own safety I will have a guard placed at his door so that Bruni can get the peace and quiet he needs right now."

"why was he crying?" Kait asked as she let go of her father's hand and latched onto her mom's arm after learning she could learn magic one day!

"He lost his mom when the bad people attacked us," Anne said as they finally left the wing that housed the guest rooms.