Going for a Walk

After Mrs.Flitcroft left after doing her daily checks with me and she let me know that I was able to go outside to the courtyard as the "walk and fresh air will do u some good" she huffed.

I started to think to myself about my third power. I had made a solid fire dword, it wasn't just flames made manifest either. "Did I make an actual hard construct of pure fire?" I asked myself while I continued to look out the window not yet going for the robe that was on my bed for a walk.

"I guess me not getting upset when Reed showed up was the test to see if I could control my emotions," I thought to myself. Then at least I won't just hurt a passerby with mana flare due to any irritation on my part.

I grabbed the robe and headed for the door going for that "walk and Fresh" air she was adamant I get! as I stepped out the guard looked over and nodded at me before asking "where you off to Bruin?

I kept walking past. I knew he had heard the order I had gotten from Mrs. Flitcroft, so I just looked at him as he fell into step beside me and said simply. "I'm going for a walk." The guard laughed at my direct and no-nonsense reply.

"Boy you need to work on that tone or lack thereof." the guard said with a sigh.

At this, I couldn't help but want to mess with the guard, so I put on a big smile and looked up at him for a few seconds before saying with not a stitch of warmth in my eyes..." I'm going for a walk." before looking forward again and dropping the fake smile that matched my eyes once again.

The guard shivered just the slightest bit as he kept his smile on his face " Why did you have to do that? I have goosebumps now because of you, it's going to take me hours to forget that ugly grin now" the man laughed it off.

I shrugged as the man led me down to the courtyard that was inside the walls.

I found a bench overlooking a small garden that was at one side of the yard I looked out at the small birds and pretty flowers using the view to try to keep calm as I started once again to work through my grief. The profound sadness I always kept at bay was showing through as tears began to slowly march down my face unendingly.

The guard beside me got a little nervous once he saw me crying and quickly scanned my hair for any color change. when no change was happening the guard calmed down and took a few steps away from where I was sitting so that I could have some privacy.

"You would have loved this garden so much" I whispered to myself as I looked at the garden and cried for what seemed like all day.

I returned to my room before supper and after eating I went to lay down to sleep once again.

The next morning came with the same routine, the Old crone woke me promptly at sunrise every day much to my joy..... today was a bit different however as she set an almost new pair of traveling boots that had a soft fur lining in them and a set of clothes for the rest of me. "up boy, up! The mage and the soldiers will be here today and we must somehow make you look presentable. Can't have you looking like a country rube my can we!" she snorted at me with a fake look of concern on her face like she almost didn't believe it was possible.

"Bath first. It's down the hall second one on the left," she responded as she informed me that the tub was already filled with hot water and to be quick about it before she left just as suddenly as she arrived.

I got up and put my rob on before I grabbed the clothes and boots she had set out for me before making my way down to do as I was instructed. I got almost all of it down by myself before the crone burst into the bathroom.

"Oh good, hurry up and finish putting the shirt on son," the crone said without even a hint of embarrassment. " I have had 6 sons and raised many village orphans, what could you possibly have that I haven't already seen BOY," she said with a snort and a laugh at my embarrassment.

I quickly got the fresh white long sleeve shirt over my head and the crone placed a chair beside me.

"Dry your hair then sit," she demanded as she went and grabbed a tray and put it on a counter nearby it held brushes, oils, and all kinds of different implements one needed for hair.

I quickly dried my hair with the towel she threw at me and sat down in the chair as she came up with a brush and started to comb out my long black hair that normally hung halfway down my back if it was maintained but I hadn't cared for it in a few days and it really showed.

sitting down and having someone brush my hair out brought back more sad memories of mom doing that in the house after I had gotten my hair wet either from rain, playing in the pond, or having a bath.

Yet again a simple action of getting my hair brushed reminded me of her. I hoped I could stop crying every time it hit me that she was gone once again, but I didn't think that was likely but every time I cried it hurt just slightly less.