Crossroads And a Decision

While the conversation about me was happening I headed for the gates to the courtyard so that could wander the village. As I walked up the guards posted at the gate stepped in front of me with some trepidation as they blocked my path.

This was the first time I had any interactions with someone outside of the immediate household of the mayor or his guards. "Please stop," the first guard that had stepped into my path said.,Causing me to look up and remember I hadn't been permitted to go into the village yet.

"Sorry", I mumbled as I turned away and headed back for the pathways that ran along the side of the courtyard in between the trees garden and small ponds that were lined with river rock. Even the common guards of the village were afraid of me, i could tell it was written all over the man's face as he stepped into my path.

"Why do they fear me? What did I do that made them afraid to even interact with a boy?

I sat down on a large rock that was in a somewhat secluded place in the yard. I had a difficult choice ahead of me, do I go to the capital or the military outpost. Those were the only options that were available to me now that it was confirmed that I had great potential. I could become a risk in the future to the kingdom without at least the bare minimum training.

Do I only want to control my power or do I want to learn to use it properly so that I can become a full-blown mage!

It wasn't much of a choice but I knew I wanted to join the military, I wanted the power to stop what happened to my mother from ever happening to me again!

As these thoughts came to the front of my mind it naturally switched to the short battle and the death of my mother.

Mana started to flow from my head again as I started to relive that terrible moment again. "Do you want power boy?" a voice whispered in my head just like it had last time but much more quietly than before, almost inaudible.

I was stunned and couldn't believe that I had forgotten about the voice inside my head that had taken over my movements during the battle. "Yes!" I desperately whispered aloud as I clenched my fist in front of me. "I want to kill them all! Every last one of the bastards that were part of my mother's death! I want them dead!"

"Very well boy I will grant you this wish, but not yet. You can't handle my power but one day soon you will be able to use it once again." the voice said in my head.

"what are you?" I asked out loud once again.

"I am power, I am hate, I am your future!" the voice whispered with promise as I could feel its power drift out of my mind once again.

I must have passed out as I woke in my bed the next day with a concerned Commander Harriot sitting next to my bed. "Sorry Bruni i must have pushed you too hard after what you have been through this week, it must have caused you to stress yourself enough to collapse in the yard," the women said as she noticed I had my eyes open with confusion.

"It's okay ma'am," I responded with respect and only a little bit of fear in my voice.

"haha, good boy" she responded. "So I know you are weakened but did you think about what you want to do, where you want to go?"

"Yes, ma'am." I said as I blew out a breath and sat up, "I would like to go to Mount Spire with you, after what happened here I want the power to stop something like this from happening again!' i said with as much conviction as I could muster.

"Excellent! I have prepared some guards for us and a horse for you to ride to Mount Spire. we leave in two hours she said as she got up and left the room.

Shortly after that Mrs. Flitcroft came in and smiled endearingly at me, "Going to join the military are we?" she asked with a teasing tone as she set my breakfast on the desk.

"Yes Ma'am," I responded with respect as I got up and headed to the table to eat breakfast. "Thank you for everything you have done for me and the kindness you have shown!" I said with some heartfelt emotion.

She just nodded and smiled at me as she set down a backpack on the chair opposite me. "This is for your trip. An extra set of clothing, a small knife, some food, and other sundry items that will make the trip a bit easier on you. I know you have heard this many times Bruni, but thank you for what you have done for us and everyone in the village, we will not forget it! After you are done with your duties to the kingdom, you can come back and we will open you with open arms!" she said with a kind tone.

" I promise I will come back ma'am. I owe you too much not too!" I said before I grabbed the clothes headed to the bathroom and got dressed in the clothes the old crone had set on my bed while Mrs. Anne and I had been talking.

Once I was dressed and had the satchel and all my gear I headed down to the stables in the company of Mrs. Anne who hugged me before I mounted the horse Commander Harriot pointed out as she said goodbye and wished me luck.