Anger Issues

I awoke to the sun streaming through the window. I got up and seen that the sun was just rising and Lieutenant Flint was walking down the walkway towards my bunkhouse just as he said he would.

Quickly I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and headed to the door to meet with the Lieutenant for his proposed tour and hopefully food, I was starving!

I saluted the lieutenant as I left the bunkhouse and he nodded back as he motioned him to follow beside him. " Good lad, you will do well if you keep up with the shows of respect and the saluting" Lieutenant Flint informed me as he started to explain where all the main facilities were in the outpost.

A lot of people were walking about in military garb of browns and green with a stylized emblem of a tower over their hearts were doing weapons practice in training rings, these were little areas marked out with a low hanging rope about 10 meters wide and the same long.

The Lieutenant informed me my fellow trainees would begin arriving in a few days as he showed me to a large and well-stocked warehouse where a small man only slightly bigger then I handed me a standard duffle bag filled with trainee gear like a field bedroll, tent small belt knife and sheath and a few changes of Army uniforms after he eyed my measurements for a few seconds.

"If we have found out you have misplaced or lost any of your gear during our weekly checks then the cost will be lashes," the man informed me as he handed me the almost full duffle bag with my kit in it, "depending on the seriousness of your negligence a minimum of 1 lash and a max of 5 will be given out, this gear isn't cheap!" the man threatened before he turned away to deal with junior officer lazing about in the back that he had noticed.

"well isn't he just a bubble of joy," I said as we left the building causing the lieutenant to smirk at me before he reprimanded me slightly

"Do not even be sarcastic about senior officers." Mr. Flint said to me with the glimmer of a smile trying to escape his lips. " For your own good, keep your mouth shit around any senior commanding officer unless asked a direct question. officers hate lippy trainees more than anything, they have to deal with the noble brats and their incessant whining and complaining on a day to day basis and we have all developed a hatred for those that cannot respect the chain of command.: the man lectured as he directed me towards the kitchens and the big mess hall attached to the side.

The first thing I noticed as we lined up behind other soldiers getting breakfast, was that hundreds of people were in this mess! Later I found out that it was one of seven mess halls that were set up to serve the hungry trainees and soldiers food.

"Are they all mages sir?" I asked as we got our food and managed to find a mostly empty table

"No son, this camp is also the training ground for out Footmen," he replied with a smile, if we had this many Mages we would have already taken control of all the southern lands from here to the great Oceans!" he laughed out loud

" We only have about 300 new Mage recruits coming to Mount Spire this year, which is higher than average but is to be expected as they are mostly sent from the noble houses to show the Royal family their commitment to the defense of the kingdom." the man explained how a lot more nobles were due to arrive before the fall training scheduled to start.

Once were finished breakfast Mr. Flint directed me to change into my military uniform and to meet back at the recruitment facility at the gates once again. The lieutenant then brought me to a surprised Sergeant named Kace that was in charge of the group of trainees I would be training with.

"As Commander Harriot said to me, He is your problem now." Lieutenant Flit informed Sergent Kase as he handed him my transfer papers.

I saluted the man when I was introduced to him and I went into a semi at rest posture with my hands cupped behind my back, and my legs slightly apart while looking forward after he returned my salute and began to read through my file.

"So a newly awoken Fire Mage eh?" the man asked with clipped words as he frowned at the file in his hands. "I see you managed to kill a captain of the Order of the Grim." the man said with an unimpressed look in his eyes.

I already didn't like this Mr. Kase I thought to myself, "yes sir!" I said without another word as I looked forward without blinking

"Damn Fire Sparks, just what we need why don't you go back home to mommy!" the man spat out as if talking about Firemages left a foul taste in his mouth.

Instantly my hair burned with anger once again as I tried to calm myself down before I looked at his eyes. "They killed her sir!" I angrily spoke out at the man who just looked at me without concern as a smile slowly spread across his face

"I see you have some fire still left in you after the training primer that Commander Harriot put you through!" the man said as he continued to stare at me as if I was mud on his combat boots. "good, you will need it!'