
After the medics came to grab the injured sergeant Commander still stood where she had blocked my advance, " I hope Sergeant Everheart can learn some manners from this, interrupting a conversation because of some supposed Class discrepancy between a Commander and a Trainee is unacceptable. I hope that he can finally remember this is the MILITARY, not some household Galla with social rules." she said calmly while making sure I was back in control of my emotions and therefore my mana.

At this Hazel, Commander Harriot's daughter, and her friend walked up beside her mother and also inspected me before saying, "I see why he intrigues you mother. He is untrained? truly? I can see why you chose him" She said mysteriously.

"Yes my daughter he is an untrained Firespark and will be part of your training group", Commander said as she turned her attention to Sergent Kace who was marching towards me.

"BRUNI!! what the hell do you think you are doing? Attacking a senior officer regardless of being provoked is gross negligence of the Army's rules and regulations, I should have you flogged!" He iterated this to me as he was jabbing a finger into my chest at every word as he yelled at me from not more than a few inches from my face.

"Kace it's fine," Commander Harriot said, "I'm sure that Bruni has been a model soldier for you since being under your command has he not?" she asked with a small smile as Sergeant Kace turned to her in disbelief.

"Do you even READ the reports I send you every day of everyone in my command? This isn't the first instance of him having suboptimal behavior! When we went to wake up Richard a few days ago he actually threw the WHOLE bucket at him to get him up! Sure it was funny as hell but still, this is starting to be his pattern!" he said as he still was jabbing me in the chest in anger at every word.

I took a step back as my chest was hurting at this point and I was confused to the nine hells as to what was going on. Chose me? Pattern? He actually recorded what I did into a daily report to Commander Harriot? What type of unit was I in!

"yes, Kace it will all be made clear in due time, lets not have this conversation in front of the children shall we." she tutted at the man. "I will take care of the paperwork from this little incident with sergeant Everheart, I know that's the only reason you are actually mad, I trained you to become a sergeant after all," she said as she led Kace away as the man pouted at being caught in his reasoning.

This left Hazel and Bell staring at a now extremely confused Bruni, Hazel broke me out of my head as she informed me that I was to give her a tour of this outpost and show them where the bunkhouse was.

After I spent the next few hours getting the two girls up to date on where everything was. we returned to the bunkhouse we heard a bunch of loud hammering noises and cursing that was coming from inside and Commander Harriot and Sergeant Kace were standing in the doorway to inspect the work going on inside.

As we got close I saluted my commanding officers with a questioning look in my eyes but I didn't voice my questions as that wasn't appropriate for a trainee.

"You didn't think I would just entrust only your good behaviour when my daughter is involved, do you? we moved your stuff and closed up the last third of the bunkhouse with a wall and a door that can be locked! Now I can sleep easy at night knowing my daughter and her friend will have a safe and private area to themselves." she said at the relived look on my face, sleeping in the same room as a woman of marrying age would have been inappropriate, so she made arrangements to ease her mind on this matter.

"Very good ma'am," I said as a group of angry carpenters marched out with tools and saws in hand, our once clean and open bunkhouse was no more, but now looked small and had wood wall cutting a good chunk of it from the rest of the building but for a thick and sturdy door.

Fes, Hes and Richard were already waiting outside looking in confusion at the words that the commander had said and they all thought one thing, 'Daughter'?

As we all came to stand in front of Commander Harriot she explained to us all the rules of our dorm now as she called them, and she also threatened us all with castration as the lightest punishment just like she had to me earlier if any foul play went on under our roof.

At this we all gulped and couldn't but help lower our hands to cover up our family jewels, so to speak.

Once the threats were done, we were all told to clean up the mess and get the "dorm" cleaned and in working order again before supper as tomorrow would be the official first day of Training and we wouldn't have time to clean up the excessive mess that our dorm was in currently.

We got it cleaned up just as first supper bell wrung out loudly over the outpost. I left after I got cleaned up and headed to the southern kitchens alone as I had too much excitement for the day and needed to think on what my future with this dysfunctional group would be like.