
Fes and Hes started to rip into the food packs like hungry wolves as they watched Richard struggle on the ground, no one went to help him.

Everyone had a Run-in with him before, including Bell and Hazel when he tried to flirt with them at breakfast so much so that they actually left the breakfast hall to get away from him.

Kace Just watched the who thing dispassionately, he wasn't even concerned for how the boys jewels were going to handle the jog back. However, he was concerned by the group, the vast majority of them were problem cases.

Bruni was just a hard kid newly awoken to his mana in one of the worst ways possible.

The twins were found in the capital as street thieves and had been caught by a constable and given 2 choices military service or dungeon. It was an easy choice for the two.

Richard was from a disgraced family and was sent to the army as a sacrificial pawn to gain a modicum of favor before the war broke out in Ernest.

Hazel and Bell hadn't caused him any issues so far. Commander Harriot did tell him, off the record, that Hazel loved the sight of blood, and Bell, well her file revealed that she was the only normal one, she was Hazels best friend and had a calming effect on her as well as having a moderate ability in healing but no aptitude for illusion magic.

Why am I in charge of the problem group once again! Kace wanted to yell but just watched to make sure the kids didn't go any further than they have against Richard.

I watched Richard who was now leaning against a tree near the edge of the water. After Richard had stopped puking and could move he promptly went to the water and washed himself off and got more water into his stomach he turned away from us and sat with his head against his knees.

I almost felt bad, but he was someone born with a silver spoon and had a privileged upbringing, yet two kids from the streets had been able to give him a thrashing he will not soon forget.

other groups of kids started to filter in at about 5 minutes after the commotion happened, we were quicker because Sergeant Kace could focus all his attention on us 6, and every other Sergeant had to wrangle 20 kids or more. Lucky us. Many of the trainees ran into the stream just like I had, some fights started as it became know that only 5 packs of food were provided for every 6 trainees.

Some groups split all the food 5 ways but most decided to battle it out between the weakest or the slowest. The sergeants didn't break any of the fights up they watched them all dispassionately as Kace had.

At the half-hour mark, Kace started to yell for us to get up and start to run back to the training grounds. he jabbed and hit us with the end of the staff he carried till we all got up to a pace he liked, even Richard was running albeit with tears running down his face every time he stumbled or fell.

The run back was hell! we rested long enough to cool down the muscles and catch some semblance of air but we were all tired when we got to the stream. the Run back was worse, our legs were cramping, we all threw up the excess water we all drank and the dry food we ate, Kace was relentless against anyone who was lagging behind the others.

It was nightfall when we got back to the training grounds. We were the first group to arrive once again and Kace wasn't going to just let us collapse on the ground as we all wanted, he got us into 2 lines 3 deep and was in the process of using me as an example to the other 5 trainees on how to stand at ease and how to salute properly when more groups started to filter in from our day-long physical training. Kace had us stand at ease with one fist cupped by our palm behind our back.

The sergeants started yelling at their batches of trainees getting them into an at ease stance as well. They lined us up into rows 12 deep.

Commander came out onto the field and walked up to the podium once again to address us. " That was your introduction into physical training. The last 2 groups that arrived do not get to eat tonight. Dismissed!" she said as she turned and left the field leaving us for the sergeants to gather and move towards kitchens, all but the last 12 kids that arrived back at camp last just collapsed where they were on the field and started to cry, whine or get angry and start yelling. Every outburst earned them a smack by the Sergeant's staff who was watching them like hawks for a few minutes before forcing them to their feet and prodded them back to their assigned bunkhouse.

After we grabbed our cold stew as it was well past open hours for hot food we all followed Sergeant Kace when he led all of us to a table, Richard included and told us to sit before heading to a table where other Sergeants were quietly eating what looked like a stew that was piping hot!

"I guess rank does come with privileges," I said as we all turned to look with envy at the sergeants enjoying their food while we had a cold beef stew with very little in meat and was more on the watery side. We all ate with gusto nonetheless as last time we ate it was dry ration at the river and that had come back up shortly after we headed back towards the outpost.


I set up a P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me!

Every little bit helps!