Only One Mage

Volk stood at the ready as 3 of the men following behind burst through the tree line and headed to the center of the pillars, as they neared the pillars one man sprinted forward a few steps before turning to the left and stomping the ground causing a pillar to form under the guy to the right of him to rise as the pillar was under the man's foot pushing him up so the man could catch the top of the pillar wall.

The man stomped again causing the second man to also spring to the top of the wall. With those 2 on the wall, the man started to form pillar steps up to the top while waiting for the rest of the group to arrive so they could have an impromptu staircase over the wall.

The first man on the wall jumped over and bright white light surrounded him as he threw a knife at Volk and used light magic to create multiple illusion knifes to confuse Volk as to which was the real knife and what one to dodge.

Turns out the knife wasn't aimed at volk at all as he dived to the side to dodge a batch of illusion knifes a real one stabbed into Kaces thigh of his right leg causing the winded man to yell in pain.

The second man stayed up on the wall and started to gather fire mana in his hands, slowly creating a fireball in relative safety.

Volk seeing his desperate situation called for his mana to speed up his reactions and enhance his speed as he sprinted towards the light user with a longsword held high, as he came in range he slashed down at the man but the sword went through the illusion to reveal the man more than 5 feet back throwing more knives at Volk this time.

Volk dodged on knife parried an illusion knife with the flat of his blade as the second 'real' dagger slammed into the top of his boot and sunk all the way to the hilt in his foot causing Volk to stumble on the crippled foot.

The Firemage on top of the wall raised his hand towards Kace and started to throw his fireball he had to dodge an incoming knife, the same knife that used to be in Kaces thigh, the fireball went wide and created a crater 5 feet wide to the side of him throwing Kace from his feet as he was buffeted by the explosion of wind and fire.

Volk snarled and threw his longsword horizontal towards where the light mage had last been seen and was lucky enough to clip the man's arm and almost sever it off at the elbow, the desperate move had caught the elite Light Mage off guard because... who throws a longsword??! Turns out Volk throws longswords.

The light mage cursed and started to retreat back towards the pillars as the Stone mage had finally climbed over the wall using his pillar staircase.

Volk grabbed his belt dagger into his main hand so he wasnt completely weaponless, the longsword was now too far away for him to retrieve his weapon before the stone mage could reach him so he waited with his belt knife at the ready.

The Firemage had also come down when the stone mage did and the three attackers regrouped at the wall as the Light user stopped his own bleeding before they all turned towards Volk who stood in front of a downed Kace.

Kace must have hit his head after being blown back by the fireball as he wasn't responding even though Volk was trying to talk to the unresponsive man.

The three elites started towards the Volk before a loud "STOP" was called from behind Volk and Kace.

A large man in a Black cloak was walking from the direction the kids had run with non-other then Bruni slung over his shoulder, two more people one man and the other a woman was holding a knife up to Hazel's neck, "stop or she dies" the Large man said to Volk as he got closer.

"How?" was all Volk asked as he dropped his dagger seeing the hopeless situation he was in and unwilling to be the cause of the commander's daughter's death.

I knew you would run to the outpost you see, it was pretty easy to guess where you were headed so I had my group split up, I had 3 of them catch up to you while we took a direct route through the woods so that we could intercept you before Mount Spire, the two boys you had carrying the boy panicked and dropped him as soon as they saw us coming in from behind and only this girl stayed behind to defend him.

Volk let out a defeated sigh before asking "what do you want with me, you could easily kill me?" at this the man just chuckled.

"I want information about the boy of course, and I want you to deliver a message that comes from Lady Dark" he said after he finished laughing at the defeated mage as all 6 converged on the 2 Sergeants.

Volk had no choice to comply seeing as Hazel was also a prisoner, "Bruni is an extremely potent mage as you are aware, he has the potential to be the strongest mage in the kingdom if properly trained" he explained the boys wild powers to the large cloaked man at length.

The man just nodded as Volk explained. "Alright thank you for the wealth of information you have been. The Dark lady wishes for you to deliver this package to Commander Harriot' was all he said as he threw a thick letter and a pouch towards Volk.

"Kill the injured Sergeant, leave the girl, I know who she is and I know Commander Harriot would chase us down to the end of the world if I killed her daughter," the large man said to his subordinates with a sly smile as he turned and headed towards the forest with Bruni over his shoulder.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me!