
The castellan smashed a rock covered fist into my chest, it crumbled upon impact not even making me shift my weight. His eyes lit up in surprise at the ineffective punch.

Reaching out towards the dismayed Terra mage I grabbed him by the neck quick as lightning, before I could snap his neck another earthen spear crashed into my arm, this one was much stronger. I sensed the mana incoming from the side where two mages were dual casting an earth spell together magnifying the power they could both use.

The spears of earth went for my elbow pushing it up and forcing me to let the bastard go, I turned towards the now terrified mages, they had been ordered to assist and not directly engage but now they drew my full attention towards them.

Just as I was going to take a step a fireball of things crashed into my back, staggering forward I looked at where it had come from and seen a mage preparing yet another fireball to cast towards me.

This man's scent was much more appealing, his mana looked delicious and I wanted it! I left the terrified terra mages and the castellan alone and jumped towards the firemage that had dared used fire mana on me.

I closed the gap between us and spread my arms out as if I was going to hug the man but what I was doing was much more sinister then that, I wrapped my arms around his trapping him next to me as he started to scream as I drew his mana inside myself, quickly his fireball he had been gathering broke apart and became part of my aura piece by piece.

The firemage started to scream horribly as I forcefully stole large quantities of his mana causing him to channel more and more. Within seconds the man started to bleed from his eyes as I forcefully made him channel all of his mana into me making me feel refreshed.

The feeling was indescribable as my flames grew hotter once again as the man's lifeforce was completely drained away I dropped his smoking and lifeless body to the ground.

A small voice inside my head whispered, "Truly a blessed child, it has been centuries since last a host of mine could use fire vampirism" the ethereal voice complimented me before disappearing once again.

I felt vastly more energetic now, the battle had been taking a terrible toll on my body but now it was like I had gotten a portion of the mana I spent back.

Soldiers poured through the ruined gate towards me at the command of the Dark Lady, they were no longer to try to keep me contained they were to kill me. First, they dashed towards me to interpose themselves in between me and the downed castellan then they rushed me trying to penetrate my thick armor with mundane weapons.

I formed 2 short daggers out of fire and sprinted towards the soldiers hoping to kill as many of them as I could, their weapons couldn't do much to me in my battle cloak but eventually, they would get through gaps in my armor I surmised as I lashed out with one dagger plunging through an unarmored neck of the first swordsmen that approached before I flashed to the next and hamstrung him, leaving the now crippled soldier alive I threw one of my daggers at a third soldier piercing his lower belly making him scream in horrible agony.

Laughing as I started to butcher the soldiers I noticed a pair grabbing the wounded castellan and dragging him towards the gate to bring him back to relative safety inside the keep.

This made me growl, I wasn't finished with that bastard but I couldn't stop the soldiers, too many enemies were already pushing me from every side slowly making scratches in my armor making it weaker and weaker, knowing I had to do something a smile spread across my face as a crazy idea came to me once again, I started to focus mana into my hands as I hunched over them not even bothering to try to defend myself.

When the fireball reached a foot across soldiers were no longer trying to attack me but were trying to get away from me. I laughed as I dropped the fireball at my feet in front of me "Haha I thought you wanted to capture me?" I asked as my world was engulfed in flames once again.

The explosion was massive, the fireball rapidly expanded to well over 40 feet in every direction, soldiers were blown apart from the explosion of mana and fire, I was unharmed by both but I had managed to send myself flying at high speeds into the outer wall more than 50 feet away.

When I impacted the wall back first I lost my breath as my flames dimmed momentarily from the damage I had just sustained. I was stuck in the stone in an almost sitting position, to free myself I started to try to actively melt the rock around me to give myself some space as my aura grew ever brighter bit by bit and liquified rock started to pour out of the hole in the wall I was embedded in.

The soldiers were no longer trying to approach me they were retreating inside the castle as fast as they could as horns were sounded from within the castle in retreat.

They had given up on attacking after the terrible losses I had inflicted. They had lost enough high-grade mages and elite soldiers that it was no longer plausible to capture kill me, they were more concerned with survival now as hundreds of bodies littered from the castle to me, blood and gore was left in a trail of burning fires and body parts.

No longer under attack, I breathed heavily as I rested my chin in the palm of one hand as the rock was loosening around me.

I looked like a god of destruction from afar, I was just trying to release myself but to others, it looked as if I had made myself a throne in the wall. The fire was bursting from me in great quantities as molten rock pooled in front of where I was essential sitting in the wall when I put my chin in my hand I looked like I was contemplating how best to burn the castle down to the ground.

The crown on my head sold this to The dark lady as she glared at me from atop her wall. "This boy is much more than a gifted firemage, it truly was unwise to capture him," she said to herself as she surveyed the destruction of her castle, the dead and dying men lying in the field, and the fires still raging in the garden behind her.


My P.A.T.R.E.O.N. account is/ OGYMpw. For those that want to support me, it will help a lot for me to be able to keep up the release rate of my chapters! THANKS ALL!