
Kace preceded to finish his report after which we were dismissed, "Let's give Bruni a new bunk, for now, we need to figure out what to do with you if that's alright Bruni?" The commander asked as she dismissed us.

"That is most welcome, my bunkmates don't seem to keen of me at the moment so this would be for the best," I replied honestly.

When I left Commander watched the door I left for a few seconds before turning back to the mountains of paperwork that she now had to fill out. "That boy is an Envoy of destruction I don't think it would be wise to train him with the other sparks, we must retain him on our side though if he switches sides it could be potentially disastrous.

Kace showed me to an empty room with a freshly made bed, I didn't care that I was situated in the officers quarters, all I cared about was sleep ad it showed, I flopped on the bed and immediately fell asleep before Kace even had a chance to say good night so he closed the door on his way out after seeing me passed out. " See you in the morning, Bruni," he muttered out softly as he left.

I dreamed of my time in the Dark Castle, how I killed innocent people that had the unfortunate circumstances of being captured. After the first few days, I stopped seeing faces and all I had was a count, 157 was what I got too until I managed to break the Will casting. "A nice start." I heard the figure saying from behind me, I knew this voice well by now it was the entities that gave me this power and it called 157 innocent people a nice start?!

"Don't be so surprised, we are inside your dreams, how could I not know your thoughts?" it asked as it appeared as a blurry haze by the imaginary pile of bodies as if searching for something.

"what are you doing!?" I asked mortified, even though it was a dream the thing was still shifting dead bodies around with its hands and feet and it gave me the creeps but still I didn't move towards the thing.

"I am after that piece of humanity you left with these bodies," it said before it lifted a small crystal glowing gold excitedly, "See this? It's what you traded for the power you now have and it is rightfully mine so I am now taking it as we agreed upon in our contract," it said before opening tilting its blurry head up and dropping the golden spark down its throat.

Seeing the golden light disappear as the thing ate my humanity was scarier than all the battles I had been in, we were in a dream and it was still able to eat a part of me, just how powerful was this thing, what were its limits?

The thing laughed out as it turned towards me and seen the terrified look on my face, "I'm a god Bruni, and you are my Envoy."

Those words stunned me. "G-g-god??" I stuttered out

"E-e-envoy?" the thing mocked me with the same stutter I had before. "Yes Bruni," it sighed in slight exasperation. " I am the current God of destruction, and you are the Envoy of Destruction, we are going to do wonderful things together," it said as it snapped its fingers and I fell back into a deep and dreamless sleep.

I slept the rest of the night all of the morning and only woke up when Sergeant Kace was Banging softly on my door after lunch. "Bruni, time to wake up," he said

I grumbled as I made my way to the door, I realized I slept in my clothes so when I opened the door I looked like I had gotten into a fistfight with a wyrmling, my hair was everywhere and tangled to all nine hells, "What can I do for you, Sir?" I spat out as I opened the door and seen Sergeants Kaces face beaming with mirth.

Sergeant Kace just stood still for a second, seeing the condition I was in before responding, "Do you want lunch ?" was all he asked

My stomach growled loudly at the thought of food to which Kace laughed slightly " It seems I am hungry Sergeant," I said coldly as I shut the door before changing into a clean uniform.

After I was dressed and made it back out to the waiting Kace we headed to one of the nearby kitchens for some lunch, along the way Kace looked at me with a thoughtful look from time to time. on the third time I caught him looking at me I asked "What Sergeant?"

Kace's look turned thoughtful as he turned his head fully towards me now, " Oh I was just wondering if you would be capable of staying awake for more than 10 minutes today?" he said with a small laugh.

I Also pondered that question before I glared at him "15 minutes tops, do you think I'm a weakling?" I managed to get out before I barked out a small laugh seeing Kace's look of amusement

"So you haven't traded all of your humanity it seems," he stated before he relaxed slightly seeing that I wasn't as unstable as he thought I was.

"They took away my innocence Kace, I lost a lot but I gained more than anyone can imagine," I said softly as my gaze went to the sky as I reveled in the memories of the burning and dying soldiers as I killed them like I would a little ant! I smiled harshly before I shook those feelings away.

Sergeant Kace saw a small amount of crazy enter my eyes for just a second but it disappeared before he could get a good look. 'He is trying hard to keep it together inside, how long till he explodes?' he asked himself in his head as he watched me walk beside him once again slightly worried about my mental stability.