
I was breathing loudly as I took in the pause of our battle. This was a big show of my power but it had to be done! this was for my future, after all, the outcome of this battle would stay with me forever.

"How were you able to do that Bruni?" the commander asked as she took a step back into a defensive posture.

The magic flowing from me was flaring up as my anger flare up as to why yet again I was being tested! It seemed like everywhere he went people tested him! He was done with being tested! Power surged out as my anger consumed all rational thought and directed itself towards the Commander.

Commander Harriot wasn't so sure of herself, never in all her years had she had her own spell ripped apart and the mana stolen to strengthen a fire shield! That was Mana conversion at an extremely fast rate, every other time the personal attributes of a person tainted their own mana so it wasn't easy to share mana that easily, it could be done but it took time to get rid of the personal attributes that the mana came from. Bruni was actively converting it into his own power at an astonishing rate.

The Commander knew she had to fish this fight quick or she might very well lose. Seeing the maddened Bruni racing forward into melee, she started to cast a very specialized spell in both hands in front of her as if she was trying to hold water. A bright light flashed inside her hands before Bruni could get into range. She pulled her hands apart and as she did an aura of domination erupted from the sword now in the space between her hands.

Bruni stopped as soon as the aura appeared from the sword that Commander Harriot now held in her hands, The power wasn't overwhelming it was just surprising to him. "I'm glad you are taking this serious now Commander," I said as I smiled at her before readying my spear.

"How did you convert my spell, Bruni?" The Commander said as she readied her sword.

I smiled when I heard the question and stopped my attack. " You are just a Firemage, Commander, whereas I am a pyromancer, I can control magic, and you can manipulate it. Those are two very different things commander." the commander had a concerned look on her face when she saw that I was dead serious, she thought it was just some spell I had managed to learn.

I wasn't willing to go into too much detail but I knew I had to tell her something, I couldn't tell her I was a pyromancer! What if it was mentioned in some obscure book that was kept from history! My master was pretty stern on that even if he was an evil bastard.

"Enough!" I roared at her as I launched my attack at her, the frustration came back in full force and blew her backward as she tried to block my attack with her sword.

The commander flew a good distance away but what had actually surprised me was that my spear had its head shorn off right where it had met the sword that the commander now held. The spear disintegrated as the spell was cut by the unknown sword. Quickly I formed another spear and launched it at the recovering commander, this new sword of hers was extremely dangerous, it could cut through his fire constructs, he didn't know for sure but he guessed that also meant his armor that he relied upon heavily.

The spear flashed towards the Commander and just before it hit, the sword flashed up and cut the spear in half.

The spear detonated after it passed the commander. Seeing the reaction speed of the Commander, I knew she was channeling all of her power into herself making her even faster than she was before, or else there was no way for her to be able to track my spear in time. A few seconds after my guess, she blurred in front of me faster than anyone has ever moved before and stabbed her sword cleanly through my chest armor into my body. The movement was so graceful that it looked like a work of art when she withdrew her sword from me. "Is this enough boy? is this manipulation or is this control, Bruni?" she asked sarcastically.

My hand went to my stomach, I could feel that she had missed all my organs, showing off her mastery of the sword.

No blood came out of the wound, my body had instantly closed the wound when the sword had exited but still it hurt a lot! My anger surged once again but even hotter this time as I used only my magical force to push her away from me. The move surprised the Commander as she stumbled back a few steps allowing me to form a short spear this time and slam it into her breastplate.

A loud 'CLANG' sounded when my spear met her armor instead of most armors that melted at a touch from my deadly weapon, this armor held out from my attack and even managed to repulse it back after the impact sent her hurtling across the ground at great speed before she managed to stop herself.

I had planned on killing her with that thrust, she had infuriated me enough to warrant such actions from me but only her armor saved her life. She rose to her feet and started to rush towards me once again becoming a blur. It was much less surprising this time as I also used my power to accelerate myself I formed two short swords and jumped towards the incoming commander.