
Sitting by the fires by myself I noticed the small figure of Bell materialized out of the shadows as she walked closer to my small fire, she noticed the faraway look in my eyes so she came from a direction I could see as to not startle me, "Bruni?' she called softly in her beautiful voice softly to get my attention before finally sitting down across the fire from me. "Are you okay? she asked as her red hair flashed in the flame light before her mental blue eyes made contact with my glowing orange ones.

The intrusion into my peace and quiet came with a bittersweet feeling, i was happy to see her but after the day i had all i wanted to do was sleep but the mana in me made me restless and energized, if I tried to go to sleep now it would take me hours regardless of how mentally exhausted I was. "what can I do for you Bell?" I asked casually as I stared into the fire while crunching more bread and cheese.

Bell not expecting an answer so readily and amiably was a bit stunned at my question, she mastered her expression in seconds before mustering up the courage to ask. " Are you okay Bruni? Whenever you stare into the fire like that it's like your eyes lose focus on the rest of the world and you retreat inside yourself showing only the barest hint of any emotions besides anger.' she spoke faster and faster as if afraid I would get mad at her question.

I looked up at her sitting form, as our eyes made contact she quickly looked down and was about to leave with an apology but stopped as I raised a hand to placate the nervous woman, I looked back at the fire before replying to her asked the question, " I think about my mother when I stare into a fire, she was everything good in my life, she was my warm and safe place for me to return to at the end of the day but now that is all gone, I get stuck in the memories of the past sometimes is all Bell." I responded as the loneliness sounded in my voice after each pause.

Tears started to form in her eyes at my words, she knew most of what had happened to me due to close proximity with Hazel, the Commander's Daughter, but this was different this was an omission from the source himself, she could feel the sadness coming from me now that I had pointed it out, it might have been the dead look in my eyes, the uncomfortable shifting of my left hand or the gradual brightening of my eyes but it was definitely noticeable now that it was pointed out to her. she covered her mouth as she looked at me, " How can I help Bruni?" she managed to get out at the end before looking at me and quietly sobbing for what I went through.

I snorted at her before looking down in wth the repressed memories, "You can't help me Bell, my heart is Buring ever brighter and even I know that one day I will burn myself out but until then I will do everything in my power to make those who hurt me suffer death a thousand times worse than my mothers!" I said as I clenched my fist and a little bit of fire attributed mana spilled from between my fingers.

Bell looked at me with pity as the mana fell to the ground under my hand, she could see how much pain I was in but still couldn't begin to understand the anger I felt, she was a kind and human woman, she cared deeply about all things making her an excellent healer but a terrible Warmage. She couldn't understand the anger that flows inside me like a raging waterfall just waiting to flood the area under it at a second's notice. "I'm so sorry Bruni, I wish I could take all of your pain away!

I couldn't help but laugh at her words before I saw a flash of light behind Bell, a second later a dagger plunged down out of the darkness into her chest, red bloomed out of the wound as the figure removed the now red dagger from Bells heart.

"ASSASSINS!" I bellowed as I lept towards the figure behind where Bell was seated, the assassin flickered in the firelight as I jumped, they had thrown a dagger when I lunged at them causing a stinging to be felt in the arm I used to deflect the blade from striking more sensitive areas of my body.

The alarm was sounded after my words, no one took the call of Assasins lightly, we should have known that our arrival would have been the perfect opportunity to slip in a few agents for a sneak attack, with all of the new faces it was hard to tell who was who so creating the perfect environment for spies and assassins to make it into camp.

I collided with the Assasin and with a flame forged dagger I stabbed down hard and fast into their leg, sizzling could be heard from the wound and a high pitch squeal of pain sounded from the assassin's mouth, apparently, the attacker was a woman judging by the voice, I gave no quarter and pushed my other hand forward to block another incoming strike but this time the blade bounced harmlessly off the armor I conjured while I made my daggers, I stabbed forward with my other dagger aiming at the other leg to cripple our assailant making it impossible for her to escape.

The woman flashed back a step with graceful ease, my first attack must have been a surprise seeing how fast my opponent could move. When my dagger failed to catch the woman I dropped it before I pushed my hand towards her and I summoned my magic, "BURN IN HELL YOU, WRETCH!" i shouted before an explosion rocked our worlds.