A Hard Day

One hundred people are gathered in Southern Hope Baptist Church, in small town Quad, Georgia.

The church band begins to play the opening to "River" as the crowd begins to sing backing vocals.

"Take me to the river...I wanna go" The choir belts out.

Kendall steps forward. "Been traveling these white roads, for so long, my hearts been far from you. Ten thousands miles gone." Kendall sings as people finds there seats in the pews for the funeral of town beloved Margaret Stanhope.

Kendall's mother and other members of the congregation begin to stand up, raising their hands to the sky, and tears beginning to stream down their face as Margaret was a great friend of them.

"Take me to the river...I wanna go" The choir and Kendall continue to sing softly in a harmony that soothes the ears.

Eventually the song comes to an end and fade out. The choir sits down and Pastor Thomas comes forward to the podium. "Let the church say Amen" said Pastor Thomas.

He goes on to give a sermon and the remainder of the funeral proceedings go on. At the end of the service Margaret's casket is ushered out and taken to the gravesite where she is buried beside her departed husband.

Kendall's mother, Tamia is a 55 year old woman who had Kendall as her last child of three. Kendall the youngest, 18 years old is 15 and 20 years apart from his elder siblings.

"Mom, are you going to be okay?" Kendall looks at his mother as his step-father, Luther walks over. "She'll be fine, she was just close to Ms. Stanhope" Luther rubs Tamina's back and then takes her hand into his and walks over to the car.

Kendall watches his mother and step-father walk away. Kendall spots Austin his bestfriend since middle school. Austin grabs onto his shoulders and wraps his arm around him. "Hello babe" Austin greets Kendall, as he continues to speak to his other friends.

Austin has always spoken to Kendall like this. They have a "bromance" as the high school students would call it. They are in their senior year of high school with only a couple of days left. Austin is a popular jock who makes friends with pretty much anyone and can have any girl he wanted.

Kendall starts to think about his friend, his strong biceps wrapped around his shoulders. The way his shirt raises up to show his v-line as he laughs. The imprint of his broad chest that shows through his button-up checkered shirt. Up to his blonde stubble beard that connects with his sideburns of his messy blonde hair.

"Kendall...Kendall" Austin calls out as he looks at Kendall. Kendall shakes his heard and finally comes back to reality. "Yes?" Kendall answers him.

"The boys and I are going to the beach, the cheerleaders said they were going. You want to come?" Austin smiles at Kendall as he removes his arm from his shoulder. Kendall disappointed, half smiles and shakes his head. "No, you go ahead, I have some studying to do" He responds and Austin looks at Kendall.

He nods, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow at school" Austin says and starts to back away to follow the boys. Kendall nods, "Yeah?" Austin asks to confirm. The boys start pulling him. "Austin come on" The boys push him and Austin goes off before giving Kendall a last glance.

Then runs off with his teammates as they wrestle on the way to the jeep.

Kendall turns around and walks off to his bike. He gets on and paddles all the way home. He gets home and goes into his small trailer home. His family doesn't have the most money, not like Austin's family. Austin's father is a accomplished state Judge and his mother has own private practice, she is an OB/GYN.

Kendall's mother and father both come from religious families and they are both quite religious and conservative themselves. This is one of the main reasons that Kendall would be described as a smart, reserved, church going boy who is the lead singer in the church choir. He has a good voice and likes singing, but was pushed into the choir by his mother.

"Kendall...is that you?" His mother calls out to him. "Yes mom" He responds and walks more into the home. "I'm in the kitchen" She says and Kendall walks into the kitchen after taking off his coat.

He kisses her on the cheek. "Help me with these potatoes" She says, Kendall picks up a knife and begins to his mother peel the potatoes for dinner. "The pastor asked me could you sing this Sunday coming up for the induction of deacon and deaconess. I told him that you could" She explains.

"But mom-" She cuts him off.

"Hush up now, you are doing the God's work Kendall, when the good lord calls on you, then you need to answer his call with a "thank you lord" and "glory to God", you know that" She explains and Kendall rolls his eyes.

Kendall nod, "Me not wanting to sing every Sunday does not mean that I am being defiant in the eye of God" He mumbles. She turns quickly and raises her hand. "What was that?" She asks.

"Nothing" He replies. She slowly turns back around and begins to place the potatoes in a water filled pot. "That's what I thought, while you are in this house, you will worship God as he is meant to be" She says and Kendall places the remaining potatoes in the pot.

She begins to get annoyed, "Just...go do your studying. Because you better pass those final exams" She sternly says and looks over at him. "You father and I have been saving our pennies to help you go to a good school after high school and we intend for you to go" She explains.

Kendall walks out and to his room. He closes the door.

Knock Knock.

Luther walks over to the door and opens it. Austin stands in front of him. "Hello son"

Austin smiles, "Hello Mr. Daubney, um is Kendall home?" He asks. Luther looks at Austin, "Yeah Austin, you need to speak with him?" Luther looks. "Yes sir, if you and Mrs. Daubney don't-" He is cut off by Tamia walking over. "Austin, don't be ridiculous, you know that you are welcomed anytime" She says and looks at Luther.

"Luther, let this boy in...it is cold outside" She says and walks back into the kitchen to finish cooking. Austin smiles and looks up at Luther. He does a little fake shiver, "It surely is cold, Mr. Daubney" Austin says and Luther clearly annoyed, reluctantly lets him in.

Luther barely steps over and Austin attempts to step inside. Austin finally makes it in and is about to walk to Kendall's bedroom when Luther steps in front of him. "Um" Austin looks at Luther.

"I will go get Kendall" He says and Austin nods. He clears his throat, "Yes sir" He responds. Tamina looks over. "Austin baby, don't mind him" She says and continues cooking.

Luther walks back to Kendall's room and opens the door. "Kendall...Austin is out here" Kendall looks up shocked. "What...he's here, in the house?" Luther looks at Kendall confused. "That's what I just said" Luther steps out of his bedroom.

"Come on out here" He says and walks back out to the living room.

Kendall makes sure that his hair is fix, the little hair he has from keeping it cut low and makes sure that his lips are all lip balm up. He walks out and there is Austin standing in the kitchen with Tamina.

Kendall walks through the living room and into the kitchen. "Um..Austin" Kendall makes sure that Austin knows that he is there. Austin turns around and looks at Kendall. He smiles, "What are you doing here?" He asks him.

"I was at the beach and realized that I actually wanted to spend time with my best friend tonight, instead of them" Austin explains. "You don't have to do that. I will be just fine" He says and Austin shakes his head.

"Nah, nah, I know you Kenny. You were upset that I decided to go with the boys. Something that I don't understand since you said that you didn't want to come" He explains. "Why didn't you want to come and look at the fine ladies out there anyway?" He asks Kenny.

"I just wasn't feeling it tonight" He replies.

"You weren't "feeling" it tonight, what are you talking about?" Tamia jumps in and Kendall rolls his eyes. "You need to be trying to find you a girl. A good Christian, someone look your mother because that will make a good wife" She explains.

"Right" Kendall responds. Austin hits his arm, "Come on man, what was up with that tonight?" Austin presses again. "I just didn't want to go, okay!" Kendall replies annoyed. Austin holds up his hands and both Tamia and Luther look over at Kendall.

"What the hell is wrong with you boy?" Luther speaks up. "Luther Daubney, watch your mother in this house. For it is the house that worships the lord" Tamia explains.

"Let go of that crap" Luther stands up and walks over to Kendall. "What crap?" Tamia asks.

Luther stays in the face of Kendall. Kendall is visibly afraid. Austin attempts to speak up, but Kendall stops him. Tamia grabs Luther's arm, "What crap, I said?" She asks again.

"Nothing" Kendall responds and looks at his mother. Then he looks at Luther, "He meant nothing" He says again. Luther nods and smirks, "Right, I meant nothing" He says.

Austin looks on in the background, confused. Tamia manages to put a smile on her face, "Austin baby, I think it's time for you to go" She says and Austin nods.

"Kendall...I will see you at school tomorrow, love you" Austin says and Kendall walks him out.

"I'm sorry about that" He looks at Austin then back at the trailer. "What was all of that about. Crap?" Austin asks and looks at Kendall. "Nothing, just...please go home. I will see you tomorrow" Kendall begins to walk back up the stairs to the trailer.

Austin nods, "School..tomorrow. We will talk" He says and Kendall goes into the trailer. Kendall watches Austin drive off in his truck from the window.

Kendall turns around and all of a sudden he feels a wave of pain and burning sensation come over his left cheek. He falls to the floor as Luther has done laid into him. "That boy, better not come back over here and he better not ask anymore questions. Now, get up and go to your room" He says and walks back over to his chair in the living room.

Kendall holds his face and tears begin to stream. "GET...UP!" He yells. Kendall manages to get up and looks over at his mom who is standing back in the kitchen. She looks over at the two as she holds on to her cross necklace.

"Mom..." Kendall mouths out and she shakes her head then turns around to finish cooking. Kendall goes into his room and closes the door, then cries himself to sleep.