Chapter 1: Welcome Georgia...

September 23rd, 2017. Scotland, Rumdianhair's Valley.

«Stop number 3; Rumdianhair's Valley» said the bus driver.

—Stop. —Said Georgia Healy and the car stopped; she lowered her suitcase from the overhead bin and proceeded to get off. —Thank you. –She said goodbye nicely and the driver just closed the door as soon as she stepped on the pavement.

Georgia looked around. Everything was just as she remembered it from the day she left for London to study at the university. She lifted the handle of her suitcase and walked to the cab zone, where, coincidentally, there was only one.

—Good morning, could you take me to... –Georgia was left in the air.

—It's 12:30 noon, if you don't know; it's my break. You can wait until 1:30 and I'll take you anywhere. – The gentleman replied with annoyance where the car was.

Georgia turned away offended, he didn't have to answer her like that. And she went to the bus station to wait for what: 1) Another cab to arrive. Or 2) 1:30am to leave with the man, shut up-I'm resting.

—Georgia Jean Healy. –She heard his name and turned to see who was naming her.

—Juliet D'rino How nice to see you again! –Georgia got up and threw herself over to embrace her.

Juliet D'rino was her best friend since she was a child, they lived next to each other and they were always close until by chance Georgia was lucky enough to be granted a scholarship in London and without thinking much about it she accepted and left Rúmdanhair's Valley.

—I say the same thing, but it is time to take you home so that we can do something MUCH more IMPORTANT than talk. – Juliet guided her out of the box to her car.

—I see that you have changed, you are no longer the Juliet-me-all-because-I'm-fun.

—If I wasn't, believe me I would have taken you to the local whore club by now! –They both laughed and got in the car.

Juliet started driving through the busy streets of the town to get to the house of Georgia's parents, who had died a few months before Georgia's return, obviously, under mysterious circumstances; somewhat ironic if you lived in Rumdianhair's Valley.

—Juliet... –She turned around – Regarding my parents, didn't they find any more pee...

—They did; the supreme witches did it to try to hurry your arrival in town to... Well you know. –She said in a low voice.

—Oh... –None of the two commented on anything else the rest of the way to Georgia's "now" house.

As the car stopped in front of a two-story house, Georgia quickly got out and put the keys in the lock, eager to get back into her old home, while Juliet lowered her suitcase and backpack to carry them inside. Georgia went upstairs to her parents' room and without thinking she sat down at the foot of their bed trying to catch their scent. Georgia stopped to think about why someone had murdered her parents.

—Georgia... I'm sorry. —Juliet offered her condolences. —It happened to my parents too...

—Juls, thank you. —Juliet sat down next to him and hugged him. I'm sorry I didn't come and be there for you.

—I wished internally that someone would kill my mother's witch so that I could live in peace, but I didn't wish for Dad's death.

—I know —she said, but Juliet had always hated her mother because she wouldn't let her be herself. —. I think that... It was her time and... This is all bullshit, Juls. Why didn't we ever say anything when we were kids? We could have avoided all this!

—And die for snitching? Damn right I shit myself every time one of them got me out of bed when I was 5! I was 5 fucking years old Georgi!

—I would have preferred to die myself rather than have my parents die.

—And let them suffer until the day they died? —Georgia got up and ignored Juliet's question.

—Take me to those filthy witches. —Juliet imitated her and they left the room one after the other. The two went down to the living room; Georgia took a coat that was hanging behind the door and smelled it, it belonged to her mother before she died. She put the coat on and got back into Juliet's car to go to the Secret Council of Bruges . Wherever it was.

The road was getting long, so Juliet chose to talk.

—Tell me... What is London like?

—Cold. It's always very cold; I must always be warm.

—Wow, what a detailed lady talk-stop.

—I'm sorry, Juls.

—You haven't done anything wrong Geo, don't apologize.

—Juls... Who else left the village? -That was a question that had been on his mind ever since he left for London.

—The real question is who stayed. —Juliet looked at her— Almost everyone left; they couldn't stand to be around such beauty like me and decided to leave.

—Who stayed?

—One of the popular girls, Purcell or something like that is her last name, and me, and now you're back in town. We are 3 of our generation.

—Is she the daughter of the owner of Purcell Heaters?

—Yes, that's the one. It's not like she had to leave to make her way or anything. She always has millonaire.

—Surely he has his reason.

—It's a mystery... Or rather a secret. —Juliet's tone sounded mysterious.

—All of us in Rumdianhaie's Valley have a secret or something that makes us look mysterious.

—Bingo, we discovered America in a glass of water!

Georgia laughed with Juliet, and after her laughter ended, silence reigned in the car again. Juliet drove silently and Georgia watched the road through the window glass and sometimes through the front glass. It was about 10 minutes later when Juliet stopped her car at the side of the road where there was a small wooden house.

—Is this it? –Georgia asked curiously.

—Actually, no, that house is just a mirage to anyone passing by. To reach the council we must walk a little further.

—Anyway, I'm right behind you. But don't think of making me get lost like the time they opened the mall.

—Ay slug. You enjoyed being lost, if you even managed to get Christopher to lead you out!

—Aeiuuuw, heterosexual moment. —They laughed outrageously.

—I know I turned you gay, but who wouldn't turn lesbian when they saw me?

—What an ego you have, eh.

—I don't work with that stuff, Georgie, but with you I can make an exception.

Juliet turned to her, winked at her and threw a kiss in the air, and Georgia caught the kiss in her hand and threw it on the floor like garbage. And Juliet reacted injured.

—Narcissistic witches are not my thing, honey. —Juliet stopped in front of a tree. — Why do you stop, in case it hurts your ego?

—You don't get that far, Georgie. And we've come to the Council. –Juliet pointed to a tree with a small circular opening.

—Then... the case is a tree?

—But of course not, silly. You must look with YOUR eye at the hole –Juliet pointed to her eye—. Back up a little —Juliet walked away — And run towards the hole while you concentrate all your power. Like this.

Juliet stepped back a little, stood still for a moment and ran to the tree.

—What? Wait! —Georgia watched as Juliet ran to the tree and into it. –What the hell... How did she get in?

Georgia imitated Juliet and when she went to run into the tree.

She crashed.

—Damn it! –She did the same thing again for about 5 minutes until she calmed down and stood still.

"I'm a witch, I have the power," Georgia said to herself and ran into the tree.

This time she made it inside. And she saw Juliet waiting patiently for her while she ate an ice cream.

—That usually happens the first few times. It's a shame that when you're Juliet D'rino it only happens... —I pretend to think —Never.

—Fuck off Juls.

—Oh, what a dirty mouth. You kiss English girls with that mouth?

Juliet turned around and began to walk towards the witches' chamber where Georgia was to be presented. Obviously with Georgia behind her.

—What will they say to me? —Georgia got a little nervous.

—Nothing new, just what they told you at the apostasy and other things.

—And what should I say?

—Just sing what they ask, agree to everything and never contradict the supreme witches.

—What happens if I do?

—You would be the second to do so, obviously after me. And they would be more cruel to you than your other first-time companions.

Juliet stopped at a big door, Georgia stood behind her as she waited for Juliet to knock on the door.

—What are you waiting for, why don't you knock on the door? —Georgia asked impatiently.

—Stop right there, lesbian, you must knock, it's your presentation, not mine.

—Oh, nice Juls. —Answered Georgia sarcastically and put her hand in her pocket. —Take a nice lipstick for those dry lips in compensation for helping me with my presentation.

Georgia took her hand out of her pocket with her middle finger out and held it out to Juliet... She just laughed and pushed it towards the door for me to touch it.

Georgia reached out her hand, made a fist and very nervously touched the big wooden door.

"Knock, knock" sounded her knuckles against the wood.