Chapter 12: Who are you again?

"You really are a miracle worker, William."

I couldn't help but be amazed by my secretary's abilities.

"When I said that we'll see if we can sell the shield generator to the military today, I didn't expect you to really set up a meeting with them today."

"What can I say?" William shrugged. "The military is always interested in new weapons and technology. Especially in the current global climate, they are looking for every opportunity to gain an edge over their opponents in other countries."

"Even so…"

William cleared his throat and looked away, embarrassed.

"Okay, honestly…I only managed to get the meeting today because they were already intending to hold a demonstration. There's a few companies holding demos for their new weapons and armament today, and I managed to get us a slot."

He scratched his cheek.

"Ours is the very last slot, though."

"It's still amazing," I assured him. "I appreciate it nonetheless. And I know you must have worked very hard to get us that last slot. Normally they wouldn't allow us to crash into the demo last minute."

"Ha ha…" William chuckled softly and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Trevor, your shield generator is going to revolutionize military technology and modern warfare. If they refused me, they will regret it, surely."

"That's an exaggeration."

"Come on, dude! You are the first person to invent a working shield generator! Do you know just how unprecedented that is?!"

I shook my head, but remained silent. The both of us continued down the corridor of the military base camp, following the directions of the soldiers. My shield generator had been placed inside the back of a military truck, which was en route toward the main auditorium, where the demonstration was being held in front of all the big shots.

And by big shots, I meant five-star generals and the top brass of the military, as well as their aides and command staff. Not to mention high-ranking politicians and bureaucrats from the ministry of defense.

Damn. I was getting nervous just thinking about the whole thing. Gulping, I clenched my fists tightly and took a deep breath.

"Calm down, Trevor. We can do this!"

William patted me in the back, having noticed my nerves. He offered me an encouraging smile, but I could only nod silently.

"Oh? Isn't that Trevor Shen?"

An unfamiliar voice cut through the corridor. Both William and I turned around and caught sight of a beautiful woman sashaying toward us, her hips swaying from side to side.

I shot William a look, but he shook his head. Clearly he didn't recognize the lady either. I turned back to stare blankly at her.

"Um…can I help you?"

"You can help me by getting lost. I knew you were obsessed with me, but I didn't think you would stalk me all the way here! Get it through your thick head, Trevor Shen. I am out of your league! Stop thinking you have a chance. You're merely a toad trying to feast on swan's meat!"

William and I exchanged confused glances, and then I shook my head.

"Who are you again?"

"What?! Stop pretending! I'm Susan Song! You confessed your love to me before, don't tell me you've forgotten? How can you be so thick skinned?"

"Um…" I thought for a moment. The name Susan Song did sound very familiar, but I couldn't put my finger on where I heard it before.

Then I finally recalled who she was. Especially when combined with her statement regarding a confession.

Right…Susan Song. We both went to the same high school, and I did have a crush on her back then. Even confessed to her back then, only to get rejected and humiliated in front of everybody. It was safe to say that she was one of the reasons for my trauma and why I never bothered with romance again.

"Ah, you're from the same high school as me. But I haven't seen you for fifteen years. Don't you think you're misunderstanding something?"

"Huh? Trying to cover up your mistake now? It won't work. Do you think I'm stupid? What other reason does a loser like you have for being in a military base?"

"We have a product to sell to the military," William spoke up, getting irritated with this bitch. "And I was the one who arranged the demonstration. I assure you, our presence here has absolutely nothing to do with you."

"Stop pretending! Trevor Shen asked you to arrange the demonstration today because he wanted to stalk me!"

"She's deluded." I couldn't help but roll my eyes. William sighed and nodded in agreement. But Susan Song was far from finished.

"Guards! What are you doing? Do your job properly! People like these losers here aren't supposed to be allowed in this military base! Kick them out right now!"

The soldiers on duty just stared at her blankly.

"Do your job! Or do you want me to report you to your superiors?" Susan Song gestured frantically at us. "Just look at them! They are poor hobos who can't afford a decent suit! How is it possible for them to sell anything to the military?! They're definitely conmen! Kick them out! Right now!"

"Ma'am, calm down," the sergeant in charge told her briskly. He glanced at William and me. "Do you sirs have your invitation?"

"Yeah. Here you go." William showed the sergeant the email on his smartphone and allowed the middle-aged man to scan the QR code that he received. Using his own smartphone, the sergeant checked the database before nodding in confirmation.

"They are definitely guests with the proper authorization. They're here for the demonstration, with a product of their own."

"That's not possible! Just look at them!"

"Ma'am, did nobody teach you not to judge people by appearances?" The sergeant's voice indicated that he was running out of patience. "If you continue behaving so rowdily, we will have to remove you from the premises for disrupting the other guests."

"Ugh!" Susan Song cursed, and then she spun away. "You're lucky, you stalker! But I'll definitely be reporting this!"

"If you keep this up, we will take you to court for slander, ma'am." William's tone held a stern warning that sent chills down the crazy lady's spine. She swallowed, but kept her back to us.

"Hmph! You're nothing compared to Justin!"

"…who?" For a moment, I had no idea what she was talking about. Then I understood. There was only one Justin I knew who would be attending this military product demonstration. "Are you possibly referring to Justin Han?"

"Of course!" Susan Song puffed her huge chest out proudly. "He's my boyfriend. And he has the ability to kick your ass! So don't you dare cross me! In fact, I'll be going to him right now, to get him to kick you out!"

Why was she so intent on kicking me out of the military base camp? All because I confessed to her fifteen years ago, back in high school? Talk about holding a grudge. I knew that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned, but this was beyond ridiculous.

I did hear that women could be incredibly petty and hold grudges forever, but I didn't think it would be so literal.

However, I was more interested in something else.

"Oh? Justin Han is here? Did he develop something other than the Astral Crystal Exosuit? A new exosuit? Or new armament?"

"Hmm, I don't know. I think it's a new mark of the Astral Crystal Exosuit, one that is faster and more agile, but lightly armored when compared to the original."

As always, William was on top of things. While I spent all my time building stuff, he was helping me keep track of news. I didn't know what I would do without him. What? Did you think I was some godlike CEO like all those unrealistic Mary Sue male leads in those ridiculous CEO stories where almost every character was out to kill the female main character for no reason other than because she was the protagonist?

"Whatever Justin designed will be a million times better than yours!" Susan Song sneered. "I'm about to see him now. How about I do you a favor and ask him to show you the difference between you?"

"Sure." Rather than be offended, I was curious to see what Justin Han's product was. Information was always a vital resource in wars (I was including corporate wars) and I was highly amused that Susan Song was practically giving it away to me for free. Loose lips sank ships and all that.

Susan led the way down the corridor, much to the bemusement of the soldier sentries she just recently asked to throw William and me out of the military camp earlier. She perked up when she heard Justin's voice around the corner.

"…I'm sure the Astral Crystal Exosuit MKII will be a success this time. The military was willing to shell out a million yuan per suit for the first version, and MKII will be cheaper. Maybe eight hundred thousand yuan per suit! But with increased speed…"

"Heh…that sounds amazing."

"It is, my dear. Once I seal the contract, I'll take you to a vacation in the Maldives. How does that sound?"

"What?!" Susan skidded to a stop after turning round the corner. William and I exchanged amused looks and followed her, only to see why she was so stunned. Susan wasn't astonished just from what she heard, but she was also horrified from what she was now seeing.

Justin Han was swaggering down the corridor of the military base, with another beautiful woman hanging onto his arm.

"I thought you were supposed to be his girlfriend," I said to Susan, unable to hide the glee in my voice.