Chapter 40: Drowning

Even though I followed Lily back out to the swimming pool (with a skewer in hand), I didn't go near the pool. I stayed far away from it as possible, keeping a distance. I didn't want to get wet, and I wasn't dressed appropriately for swimming (or even sunbathing) in the first place.

"Over here, sister."

Linda was speaking in a sickening sweet voice that grated on my ears. Wow, she was so fake. I didn't know what she was planning, but so far she had listened to her parents and was introducing her sister to her friends so that they could get to know each other.

Perhaps it was because their parents reprimanded them, but the other second generation rich kids were polite to Lily and even apologized to her for their earlier behavior. They also bowed apologetically in my direction and told me they were sorry.

The second generation rich kids might not know who I was, but their parents certainly recognized me. As businessmen, they couldn't afford to not pay attention to current affairs, and which company's stocks were rising and all that.

Speaking of the parents, the older adults continued to gather in the sunbathing section, lounging about and chatting. Though, from what I could hear, they continued to discuss on business deals and work rather than enjoy themselves.

Those capitalists never missed a chance to make more money or establish connections.

Closing my eyes, I finished the meat off my skewer before throwing it away into a nearby bin. Having grown up in Country S, I was brought up not to litter. I liked being clean, after all.

With no idea what to do, I sat in the patio and watched the pool from a distance. Lily was still speaking to Linda's friends, looking a little lost and awkward. They seemed to be encouraging her, cheering her on or something. Their actions were enthusiastic, but I couldn't make out their conversation from this distance.

And then Linda shoved Lily into the swimming pool. The poor girl disappeared in a huge splash of water. The other children cheered and laughed, clapping. When their parents glanced in their direction, they immediately dove into the pool and created more splashes. Probably to give the impression that they were playing around.

"What posers," I muttered, watching them warily. I continued staring at the group intently, my pace racing when I realized something.

Lily had yet to surface. And none of Linda's friends were helping her or checking on her. They continued to splash about, laughing and enjoying themselves.

"What happened to Lily?"

Panicking, I quickly ran to the side of the pool. The second generation rich kids glanced up when I neared them and I swore that I saw sneers on their faces.

"We're just playing around."

"Yeah! This is just a game! Don't get too worried over!"

"You should have fun too!"

"Lily!" I shouted, attracting the attention from the older adults – the parents. They rose from their sunbathing seats, craning their necks to see what was happening.

I didn't hesitate and plunged into the pool, careful not to dive into the place where the second generation rich kids were clustering. Sinking deeper, I tried to look around as best as I could, squinting hard because I wasn't used to having water flood my eyes. Shaking my head, I floundered about, my vision blurry, until I caught a glimpse of Lily.

She was at the bottom of the pool, drifting motionlessly. Fear stabbed my heart and I swam to her. The water got too much for my eyes and I squeezed them shut. Even so, I swam in the direction where I roughly saw her and was relieved when my outstretched hand touched her. I forced my eyes open to ensure I had the right person, and despite the discomfort, I was pleased to see Lily.

But she was drowning, bubbles escaping from her open mouth. I wrapped an arm around her waist and then paddled my way up. I wasn't lying when I said I couldn't swim, but I wasn't afraid of the water. I had been in a pool before, even in the sea. I knew how to float.

The trick was not to struggle and panic. Relax, and paddle calmly with my arms, not thrash about like a bloody lunatic.

Fortunately, Lily had lost consciousness, so I didn't have to deal with her desperate flailing about. Unfortunately, her unconsciousness was a bad sign.

I burst through the surface, gulping down a lungful of air. A few of the guys surrounded me, grabbed my head and shoved me back under the water.

To my horror, I realized what they were doing. They were trying to drown me!

Instead of struggling, I closed my eyes and held my breath. The more I moved, the more air I lost. I needed to stay calm and figure a way out of this. Perhaps, if I reached out and pinch the nearest guy's balls, he would shriek and let go…

"Stop this! Stop this right now!"

I heard ferocious bellows from above. The adults had arrived and were ordering their children to back off. In the end, I didn't need to resort to attacking the guy's vitals. Thanks to staying calm, I broke through the surface and breathed again, heaving and coughing.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" One of the adults was yelling furiously. "Are you trying to murder people in broad daylight?"

"Don't exaggerate, Dad!" One of the guys protested. "We were simply having fun. Right, guys?"

"Yeah!" Another of the bastard second generation rich kids agreed. "We are just playing around. Having a game to see who can hold their breath longest!"

"We didn't realize that Lily couldn't swim," a girl spoke up.

"I'm so sorry for the worry my sister caused." Linda dramatically placed a hand on her mouth. "She didn't tell me she couldn't swim. Otherwise, we wouldn't have…"

"Lily!" Leon cried, rushing over. I had paddled toward the side of the pool, dragging Lily with me. She was still unconscious and not breathing. With a grunt, I pushed her ashore and placed her on the ground before hauling myself out of the pool. My clothes were sopping wet, but I ignored the discomfort for now, concerned about my friend's condition.

This was bad. If she had stopped breathing, it was only a matter of time before…

"No!" Leon was in anguish. He turned to glare at the second generation rich kids. "What kind of stupid game are you playing? If my daughter dies, I'll have all of you locked up in prison! Mark my words!"

"We were just…" One of them began, but his parent slapped him.

"Shut up, you idiot! What have you done?!"

"Please don't blame anybody. It's all my fault. It's my responsibility for not finding out that my sister couldn't swim and encouraging everyone to play with her." Linda was trying to make herself look like the victim. Scheming bitch.

Not bothering to argue with them, I proceeded to execute cardiopulmonary resuscitation. At first, I placed both of my hands against the breastbone of her chest and pumped incessantly, trying to get her heart working again. Then I moved over, bent down and breathed air into her mouth while pinching her nose. I knew all those stupid romance stories romanticized mouth-to-mouth CPR as some sort of kiss, but it clearly wasn't. For one thing, you weren't supposed to touch the other party's lips. You're only supposed to blow air into her lungs.

Then I repeated the compressions on her chest, trying to get her heart to work. Returning to her mouth, I blew some more air into her lungs, and finally Lily convulsed. I moved back and allowed her to sit up and coughed out the water. Leon approached her and held her.

"Lily! Are you all right?"

"Y…yeah. Sorry, dad. What happened?" She looked around, dazed.

"How did you guys play?!" One of the parents was berating the sullenly defiant second generation rich kids. "If it weren't for Mr. Shen, your so-called game would have cost someone's life!"

"She should just die," one of the kids said darkly, much to the horror of the adults.

"What did you say?!" Another of the older adults stormed at her.

"The slut should just die!" Another girl shouted. "We know her true nature! She has been stealing her sister's boyfriend, sabotaging her, bullying her at home!"

"Linda, what exactly have you been telling your friends?" Leon looked up to glare at his stepdaughter. She recoiled and turned away.

"No, I…!"

"You lied to tarnish your sister's reputation so that you can get your friends to assist you in bullying her?" I asked in a deadly voice. Linda flinched, but shook her head wildly.

"No! Of course not! I would never…!"

"Then why did you lie?" Leon snapped. "You know how much Lily has sacrificed for your sake? As the older sister, she always gave way to you. Whatever you wanted, she let you have it. Your mother and I pampered you a bit more, but she never complained, not even once. She never asked for anything. When you wanted something, she gave it to you without hesitation. And you repay her kindness by slandering her? You ungrateful white-eyed wolf!"

Even Linda's friends looked uncomfortable now. But I wasn't going to let them off the hook. I pushed my soaked glasses up my nose, and despite my lenses getting fogged, I could still pick out the fuckers who pushed my head underwater.

"You guys." I pointed at them. "Prepare to come to court. I'll be suing you for attempted murder."

"Hah!" One of my assailants sneered. "Can you even afford it?"

"You still haven't learned to shut your fucking mouth?!" A man, who I assumed was his father, slapped the idiot at the back of his head, almost causing him to sprawl on the ground. He then turned to me and bowed deeply. "Mr. Shen, I'm so very sorry. I'll definitely compensate you, so please...don't turn this into a court case. I'll definitely discipline my son. I'll ensure that he will never pull a stunt like this again."

"Dad! Why are you…?"

"Shut up! You want our family to be destroyed, is it?!" the father slapped him again. "Don't you know that Mr. Shen is the top engineer in the military and the CEO of Shen Industries? You think we can afford to antagonize him? Even if he lets this go, the military might not necessarily drop this matter! You nearly killed one of their biggest contractors!"

"You know, I think we ought to let them spend a few months in prison," another of the adults – probably one of the girls' mother, given the way she was glaring at one of them, looking ashamed – said darkly. "We've been spoiling them for so long…maybe a little hardship will slap some sense into them and straighten them out."

The second generation rich kids turned white, but at this point I was no longer paying any attention to them. I was helping up Lily, who was still coughing with a raw throat.

"Get Mr. Shen some clothes and allow him to use the bath. My daughter too, help her clean up and get her some fresh clothes." Leon was instructing his servants, who were now showing up because of the commotion.

I supported Lily and moved toward the house. She was still looking a little dazed, as if she didn't understand what was happening. I wondered if she was still in shock from her near-death experience.

Glancing at Linda and the other second generation rich kids, I vowed that I would make them pay for this. No matter the cost.