Chapter 63: Seduction Reduction

Bu Fan left first, paying for the drinks and snacks.

"You should take a break," he told me when I also rose from my seat. "You've been fighting so many battles – not just to churn out blueprints and military productions, but also for your own life. You've worked really hard."

"Not hard enough," I grumbled bitterly. Bu Fan laughed and gestured at my cup.

"Finish your drink before you leave. Don't waste it."

"Oh, okay. Thanks." I tried to gulp down the mango juice, but I found myself too bloated. I had to stop and sip my drink bit by bit.

"Take your time. I'll be leaving first." Bu Fan raised his smartphone. "I'll need to contact some of my guys and move about in the underground. Just leave everything to me and relax. We want you producing more blueprints and inventions, not fighting off assassins."

He then grinned.

"By the time I'm done, you won't have to worry about Justin Han and all the other bastards who tried to assassinate you ever again."

"I hope so," I muttered under my breath. Bu Fan chuckled.

"Just trust me." he placed a hand on my shoulder encouragingly. "There will be a reckoning…and Justin Han will pay for all he has done."

Then he was gone. I watched him leave the café after paying at the cashier, then leaned against my chair to sip more of my drink.

Bu Fan had a point. I was feeling very drained by now. I needed a break, as he said. Closing my eyes, I leaned against my chair wearily and drifted off. I didn't exactly doze off – not in a café. The waitresses would probably shake me away and ask me to return home. Besides, I was still trying to finish my mango juice.

Before I could finish it, though, I caught sight of someone approaching me.

"Do you mind if I join you?"

My eyes – half-shut from sleepiness – widened when I saw the person who asked the question. She was a very beautiful woman who wasn't that much older than me, with long blond hair and a gorgeous figure. A figure that looked very familiar, if I were to be honest.

Actually…I recognized her beautiful face as well. Those sapphire eyes and well-toned cheekbones, as well as slightly pale skin. Even though she wasn't dressed in a skintight black suit like last night, she was wearing a slightly more modest dress that still somehow clung to the curves of her hips and the swell of her ample breasts to give off a devastating sexiness.

Already she was drawing stares from all the guys inside the café, and even male pedestrians who actually peered through the huge glass window of the café to ogle her.

Normally, I would find her super attractive, my breath blown away by the sheer sight of her figure. But more than lust, I felt fury and wariness.

She was the assassin from last night.

I didn't say anything, though. I was eying her cautiously, half-expecting her to strike at any time. I had destroyed her neural shredder and phase sword last night, but I suspected she still had hidden weapons somewhere. I bet she could kill me easily with her bare hands if necessary. I had best be on my guard.

My hand unconsciously went to my jacket where I had hidden my plasma pistol, but I didn't pull it out just yet. I wanted to shoot her, but I doubted I would hit her. She had lightning reflexes, based on what I saw yesterday, and so she would easily dodge my shot. Not only that, I was worried about getting the other customers in the café involved in the firefight. If the two of us were to brawl here, there would inevitably be casualties when the other customers got caught in the crossfire. I couldn't afford to drag them into my own problems.

Additionally, I wasn't confident that I could win against a professional assassin at such close range. She would definitely destroy me in close combat. I still recalled how much stronger and faster she was yesterday. I only had the edge in terms of technology and perhaps intelligence.

Also, she didn't appear to realize that I recognized her, for she was wearing a seductive smile and putting on quite the act. Winking at me coquettishly and sashaying into a seat opposite me before I said anything. I didn't agree, but she took it for granted that I would, obviously having never encountered a straight man who would say no to her offer.

"I do mind," I replied grimly, glaring at her. The lady looked a bit taken aback, but she recovered from her shock quickly.

"My, I apologize for being so presumptuous then."

However, she made no move to rise from her seat and leave. Instead, she remained where she was, relaxing in her seat and pretending to be sheepish. Perhaps that move would have worked on some other guy, but I was no ordinary person.

"It's fine," I said with a sigh. Fortunately, by now I had finished my mango juice and I placed the cup down. Rising from my seat, I made to leave. The lady looked as if she was about to panic, but she hid her unease well.

She swiftly caught my arm before I could leave, holding me back. Once again, I could feel the firm strength behind her grip and my hand unconsciously moved toward my jacket. But I resisted the urge to draw my plasma pistol. If the assassin caught wind of what I was doing, she would easily snap my arm in half and take me down before I could so much as draw my weapon.

So I went along with her act for now and yanked my arm out of her hand. The lady feigned hurt.

"Wait…am I making you uncomfortable?"

"No, I was just about to leave anyway. I'm done with my drink." I gestured toward my empty cup. "I'm going to return it and then leave. I have to go back to work now."

"At least stay a bit," the lady pleaded. "I'll treat you to another drink, how about it?"

With a dazzling smile, she called a waitress over. I shook my head.

"No, I'm sorry, but I must really leave now. I have another appointment, and I can't keep people waiting." That was a lie, of course, but I didn't want to stay near this deadly assassin for a moment longer. I needed to contact Bu Fan or the military and let them know what was going on. If they could capture her, that would be great.

But given her skills…

"Come on…just stay for a bit. I want to talk to you for a few seconds. Just long enough for us to get acquainted."

"No. and why do you want to talk to me or get acquainted anyway? I don't even know you."

"Oh, but I know you." the assassin clasped her hands and looked at me with shining eyes. "You are Trevor Shen! You are the famous military inventor. I'm a big fan, I love the giant robots you invented. I always wanted the chance to talk to you. Please…at least indulge me for a few seconds?"

I could sense the stares from everyone. The lady was good. She was deliberately making it difficult for me by calling everyone's attention to our position, so that I couldn't refuse her without looking like a jerk.

However, I refused to budge.

"Thank you. As much as I appreciate it, though, I need to leave now because…"

"I understand. Before you go, here…this is my number." The lady took out a name card and put it into my hands. "My name is Laura Lang, and I'm working as an interpreter. I know your English is pretty good – I've seen you interacting with people from Country A and speaking fluently with them. So don't worry, this is not a business proposition. I just really want to sincerely get along with you…as a fan."

Then she lowered her voice to a sly whisper.

"And to deepen our relationship further, if possible."

Unfortunately, I wasn't falling for that. Instead, I shook my head.

"Please, Ms. Lang, I'm afraid that would not be appropriate. I already have a girlfriend."

"Ah, sorry about that. You relationship with Lily Ling is well known." Laura looked apologetic. "I didn't mean anything by that. I meant we should develop a deeper friendship. I am happy to settle for just that."

"Um, I'm flattered. We'll talk more next time. When I'm free, I'll consider contacting you." I raised her name card and waved it in an exaggerated display. Laura nodded, looking pleased. She had no way of knowing that I wouldn't call her. Not unless it was to seet a trap. The first thing I was going to do was pass her contact info and name to the military and Bu Fan, to see what they could find out.

I didn't know if she was playing dumb, but I knew she was the assassin from last night. Why did she approach me like this, with her mask off? Did she not realize that I had seen her real face last night? Was this some kind of trick?

Throughout the conversation, I was half-expecting her to lunge at me with a knife or some esoteric weapon, but she didn't. Nothing so far. Even so, I kept my guard up because all it took was for one single careless moment and I would lose my life.

Fortunately, Laura didn't make a move at all. I hurriedly left Chao's Café and proceeded to somewhere far away. Glancing back, I noted that Laura was still seated in her place at the table, ordering a drink.

Sighing a breath of relief, I hurriedly returned home while dialing Bu Fan's number. Glancing at the name card, I vowed to pay her back for the attempted assassination last night.


After the target left, Laura Lang was left to idle alone at the table in the café, a tinge of annoyance coloring her pretty face.

"How was it?" Michael Miller asked over the com bead attached to the collar of her dress. Laura grimaced.

"Not well," she grumbled. "I don't understand what's going on. He doesn't seemed moved by me at all. I thought he would be all over me, but he…he seems wary of me. I don't know if he's playing hard to get."

"Well, I can guarantee that Trevor Shen is straight. And no heterosexual man can resist your charm."

"Hmm. I suppose so. But he's too…cautious around me. As if he's paranoid." Laura scowled. She fiddled with her fingers for a moment, clutching her cup of coffee. A smirk spread across her lovely features. "Not that it matters. All I need is some time, and even the most stoic of them will fall for me eventually. Then…I will execute him in bed."

Michael Miller chuckled softly from the other end of the com bead. "You have some nasty habits, don't you?"

"Why do you care what methods I use, as long as it guarantees success?"

"Can't argue with that," Michael Miller agreed wholeheartedly, sounding amused. "Can't argue with that at all."