Chapter 78: My Pampered Splendid Little Wife

"Uncle, Auntie, here are some gifts. As a token of respect."

Arriving at the Ling manor a couple of days later, I brought a bunch of presents. Apparently it was a show of respect to present gifts to the hosts when they invited us over for a visit. I personally thought it was a waste of money, but etiquette was undoubtedly important.

"You didn't have to spend so much money," Leon Ling told me, bending over to pore over the presents that I had brought him. He, his wife Wendy Lim and his other daughter, Linda Ling, were seated in the sofa opposite Lily Ling and me, both of whom were in separate chairs from across the expensive coffee table between us and her family.

"Oh, ha ha!" Wendy Lim giggled in delight, a contrast to her husband. Despite his words, I doubted that Leon Ling was sincere. He evidently was impressed. I could tell what he was thinking without needing to read his mind.

"This brand of supplements can't be bought even if you have money," he was muttering to himself as he studied me warily, a bead of perspiration dripping down his face. He took a deep breath and sipped from his cup of coffee. "This kid…he graduated from a university from Country A, having a PhD in engineering. He's not simple!"

Then he calmed himself down as he ran through several schemes in his mind.

"But Shen Industries is not like other companies. It's a new corporation, relatively, but already they have such contacts with the military and are making so much money. If my Ling Corporation can absorb Shen Industries and I can have this son-in-law work in my company instead…"

He cleared his throat and placed his cup back on the table, facing me seriously.

"…that, Trevor, right? Since you guys are engaged and will be married eventually, it's better for you to come work in the Ling Corporation. Besides, we are a family now."

"I appreciate your kindness, uncle, but I have a steady job and I'm proud of founding my own company. I'm happy with my job and company right now." I smiled politely. "At the present moment, my salary is enough to support Lily, and I also have the time to accompany her."

That wasn't false. Even though I didn't have the time to take a vacation, I was still able to see her every night after work, at the very least. I wasn't so busy until I worked overtime. Working in my garage was more of a hobby, but I took the time to have dinner with Lily and accompany her occasionally.

Linda Ling looked delighted and relieved at my words. "Excellent!" She thought to herself, running her hand through her hair. "I'm glad he refused! I don't want Lily Ling to inherit the company!"

What a bitch. I could tell what she was thinking clearly without even needing to read her mind.


On the other hand, Leon Ling was unhappy with my refusal. He clenched his fist, but didn't say anything else. He couldn't. I was a CEO of my own company and I had the backing of my company. What was he going to do if I refused, send an assassin after me? Even the most poorly written CEO stories wouldn't go that far…okay, there were a few that went to that extreme (I think Taming the Possessive Girl as one such title where the father of the CEO would hire assassins to kill his son just to snatch the control of the company away from him, which was utterly ridiculous – why did he wait until his son was married before he suddenly feel threatened? Just to create more drama, it seemed).

Unfortunately, my sense of danger was heightened when I caught sight of more scandalous thoughts on Linda Ling's face.

"But this brother-in-law's appearance is really exciting! I don't believe, with my beauty, I wouldn't be able to seduce him!"

Wait…what the fuck?

"Ai yah, after talking for so long, you must be thirsty?" She sashayed toward me, putting on a show. "Brother-in-law, I'll get you some water."

"No need," I told her coldly and raised my cup. "Tea is enough for me."

"There's no need to be so reserved with me, brother-in-law," Linda Ling said as she tried to wrap her hands around my arm, but I quickly jerked away. "We are family now."

"Uh, you don't seem to be treating me as family, though?"

However, Linda Ling didn't seem to take the hint when I moved away from her. She giggled to herself. "Hee hee, my hint is so obvious. I'm sure you will take the bait!"

What the fuck? How deluded could she be?

"Ai yah! It's hot!"

She spilled the cup of hot water on me, but I quickly dodged. Nonetheless, some of the liquid splashed onto the sleeve of my jacket.

"I'm sorry, brother-in-law," Linda Ling apologized in the most insincere manner ever. "It's my fault. I was so clumsy."

Even Lily was on high alert after that, realizing that something was amiss. As for me, I was backing away while rubbing at my wet sleeve. Linda Ling didn't seem to care and continued to pester me relentlessly.

"Let me bring you to the bathroom. We'll find a towel for you to wipe your clothing."


Both Wendy Lim and Leon Ling remained absolutely silent, not saying a single word despite witnessing the farce unfolding before them. For some reason, Wendy Lim was holding a fan to cover her mouth. Was she smirking? Seriously?

"No, I'll deal with this myself," I told Linda Ling firmly. "Please remember that I'm engaged to your sister. It's not appropriate for me to be alone with another girl."

"Trevor, the bathroom is that way." Lily stood up to guide me. "I'll bring you there."

Linda Ling clicked her tongue and then reached out to grab Lily's collar before she could get very far, yanking her back physically. And in a rude manner, I might add, but neither of their parents said anything.

"Sister, my hand is scalded. Can you get me some ointment?"

Lily gritted her teeth, realizing her stepsister's intent. She recalled that when Charles Mu visited, Linda Ling did the exact same thing she was doing now, deliberately finding reasons to separate her from Charles Mu while she went after the guy. Lily bemoaned how stupid she had been at that time, being unable to see through Linda Ling's schemes.

"Linda Ling, I'm warning you!" she snapped, turning to glare at her stepsister. "Don't play any tricks on Trevor, otherwise don't blame me if I'm rude to you!"

"He he!" Linda Ling giggled. "Yes, I'm onto him, but so what?"

She tightened her grip on Lily's clothing, her expression turning insidious. "Trevor Shen is an outstanding man. How can he be willing to only be your husband? Once he has attained wealth and power, he'll kick you away."

"Don't be ridiculous!" Lily snapped. "Do you think every man is going to be a scumbag like Charles Mu? Trevor is definitely not such a person!"

"Mom!" Linda Ling began whining. "Sister is bullying me!"

What the fuck? How…? Just how the fuck…?

"Lily Ling!" Wendy Lim clutched the pretentiously sobbing Linda Ling in her embrace. "You're her elder sister! How can you treat your younger sister like this? You've gone too far!"

"My younger sister?" Lily retorted. "I don't have such a sister! You mother and daughter are the same kind of people. Both of you like to snatch someone else's man! Don't you guys feel ashamed of yourselves, being someone's mistress?"

"Lily Ling!" Leon Ling roared, standing up. "How can you be so insolent? You should show more respect to your elders!"

"Respect?" Lily sneered. "Has she earned it, then?"

"I see what kind of family you have, Lily." I chose that moment to show up again, startling everyone. I glared at the two "parents" and shook my head in disgust. "Let me get this straight. Your fucking younger daughter literally admitted right in front of the both of you that she is trying to seduce her elder sister's fiancé. You saw her shamelessly trying to push herself onto me right in front of your eyes. Yet neither of you spoke up and reprimanded her or stopped her. No, instead, you decide to start behaving outraged when Lily called Linda Ling out on her bullshit. As an outsider, I can clearly see the bias you have against Lily. What's with this absurd abuse? What kind of fucking logic is this? So it's all right for Linda Ling to go around seducing her sister's husband, but when Lily calls her out on her bullshit, the stepmother defends Linda Ling, and you defend her stepmother when Lily fights back. Are you even her real father?"

"Enough." Lily shook her head and grabbed my arm, pulling me away. "Thank you for being angry on my behalf, but they aren't worth it. I'm just an outsider in this house. There's no point in me pretending to be a filial daughter."

She then tightened her grip on my hand and led me away from the living home. "There is nothing else to be said. Let's go home."

"You are right." To everyone's surprise, Wendy Lim was the one who spoke up. She turned to her daughter and slapped her so hard that Linda Ling actually crashed to the ground. The bitch turned to gape at her mother.

"Mom…? What are you…?"

"Your bother-in-law is right. We have been biased toward you for too long. I'm to be blamed. I pampered you more and favored you over Lily because…quite frankly, you're my biological daughter. But you've gone too far now." Wendy Lim sighed and shook her head. "You should apologize to your sister."

"No! I won't! What right does she have to marry rich, handsome men? Whatever she has, I must have!"

"I'm sorry that you have to see this." Wendy Lim clutched her had. "As I said, this is my fault. I spoiled my own daughter too much and neglected Lily. I won't ask for your forgiveness, but I'll try to rein in my daughter." She bowed her head. "I'm sorry, Lily."

"What? You…you…" Leon was taken aback by the sudden change in scenario. He then shook his head and turned to me. "Trevor…right? I'm entrusting my daughter to you. Take good care of her."

He slumped back down, casting a glance at the outraged Linda Ling.

"Wendy is right. We are failure as parents."

Okay…this was certainly unexpected. But at least they weren't behaving like the one-dimensional caricature villains in CEO novels whose sole purpose of existence was just to torment the female lead.

Wendy Lim nodded toward Lily, who was at a loss for words. A look of understanding passed between them, and then Lily silently pulled me away and out of the manor, leaving her family behind forever.