014 ※ The Jewelry Store [III]

"THAT'S CALLED STUPIDITY," Asher exclaimed annoyed. "Now, let's stop beating around the bush, little dragonfly," until now I still don't see the resemblance between me and a dragonfly, and neither will I ever understand how he came up with this nickname, but anyways. "What's the second reason for you to come here? Because every time you come bringing us some sweets like this is because you need something from us. Well… usually from me! And I don't think it was related with the Knighthood Oath Ceremony." Growing up with me, of course, he would be straightforward like this.

"It's nothing complicated," I started, stealing one of the cookies from Sir Thorin's basket and Asher followed my bad lead and did the same. "I need to go out now, Kate is going to come with me, so I wanted to see if you can come too. Because it would be good to have a Knight with me, and once our master is unsuitable to do that because of his position, you're the only one I trust to do this," he smirked at that, making me roll my eyes. "Don't make me regret my choice, dumbass," he giggled.

"Sorry, little dragonfly, I'm busy!" My ass he is.

Master stared at him annoyed and slapped the back of his head, "Stop fooling around, you rascal. You're not doing anything besides reading one of those romance books you hide from everybody," romance books? Oh, my Goddess, it's been ages since I've read one. When I was a kid, I and Asher used to read a lot of those. "Go with Her Royal Highness!"

"Ah, Master, why do you always do this to me?" He started at him, waiting and Ash finally let down his shoulders. "Okay, sorry. I was just playing with her. Of course, I'll go," he exclaimed. "Maybe I'll find the love of my life out there!" Hahaha, he sure will.

At least, he will if his life keeps going like it did in my past life. And I'll even give him a little hand to help him meet the green-haired girl already. That girl deserves a good man like Ash and he deserves an amazing girl like her. Gwen might not be an important and influential contact yet, but she will be, just like the owner of the magical jewelry store, and many others. Moreover, I'm planning to help her get there faster, both in fame and in her future relationship with Ash. After all, it will be good for me if I have the future Royal seamstress and stylist on my side. Especially after my debut in high society, that way I'll always have exclusive clothes before everybody.

If I have to be honest, it will be good to have a friendship with her too. I remember how loyal she was to her friends back in my past life. Oh, and she also doesn't like Dalilah and that's a bonus for me.

Not only does she dislikes my twin, but she confronted her back there when Dalilah was after a dress for a random ball. Like I've said before, my sister not only wanted to make me kill all the available Princess around the world but also anyone else who dared to defy her. As the stylist did.

That's why she made me kill the girl, using a very painful poison. And I hate killing with poison. My sister probably made me do it like that because she knew I didn't like it, especially when I used to hang out around the stylist's boutique to hear some gossip. Now I know that she must have done it that way to hurt me too.

"Then let's go!"

"What's this big bag on Miss Quinlan's back?" Master asked, very curiously.

"Money," she spoke before me, her pinkish eyes glowing under the sunlight. "All the money, Her Highness, hid and didn't use from her monthly allowance the last year," let me tell you, it's a lot. With that amount, I'll be able to invest in the jewelry store and buy everything in their stock. "One of His Excellency's Knights must have already left the money for her new wardrobe on the carriage we'll use."

Master nodded slightly and kissed my forehead, before kissing Kate's left hand, like a gentleman, making her turn ten shades redder. "I'll have to excuse myself now, Princess. I happen to have some duties to attend to. See you in our class. Thank you for the cookies, Miss Quinlan. And, Asher, take care of your little sister with your life even if she's stronger than you. Furthermore, behave, you two!" I shared a mischievous look with Ash and our master rolled his eyes. "If you don't behave I'll kick both of your asses when you get back. And you both know very well that I have the guts to do so!"

"Yes, Master!" We spoke together and he gave us a nod, delighted with our answer.

We headed towards the carriage first, letting Kate come after us. "So, where do you want me to take you today, oh, great, dear and outstanding, magnanimous Royal Highness?"

"Stop mocking me, asshole. And satisfying your curiosity, we are going to the outskirts of the capital," he shared a look with Kate and gazed back at me. "Trust me, I know what I am doing!"

He did as I said, and drove our carriage to where I told him. I guided him on the rest of the way, once I knew very well where the future revolutionary magical jewelry was located. And when we were three blocks closer to arriving there, the rain started pouring hard and even thunders were heard. In that situation, we decided to wait inside the comfy and magically warm carriage until it stopped.

"So, enlighten us with your omniscient knowledge, glorious Princess," damn, even Kate is mocking me now. Ash is such a bad influence, tsk. "Why are we in the outskirts and what do you want to do going to such a strange place? Why not go to a renowned jewelry downtown? This might be dangerous," Kate pointed to the view outside the windows, looking like the dead part of the city. "Not might… It does look dangerous! What if we are robbed?"

That possibility was so absurd that Asher chuckled. "Miss Quinlan, there's no way in hell that we would be robbed. Especially when both me and Natasha are here! It would be more believable if we ended up killing the thief that tried to rob us than getting our things taken by them." True.

"I can't help but to worry, don't blame me, boy. Now, Princess, please, explain!" Ugh, I wish I had been born from her womb. I missed her acting like this. "What kind of place are we heading to?"

Taking a deep breath, I tried to find an easy way to explain everything. "Okay, listen up. Long story cut short, we are going to a jewelry store called Lollipop That Beats Beats Beats. The owner, a mid-aged man called Kevin George, is the one who crafts all of his products, using his magic. And the reason why we are going there is quite simple: he can craft unique jewels that can protect you from any kind of mental magic!"

Their jaws dropped, as expected. And after a long moment of silence, when I thought he would say something serious about that, Asher exclaimed, "Who the heck named a jewelry store like that?"


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