023 ※ White Rose Boutique [III]

IT WAS EXACTLY WHERE I REMEMBERED, only the design of the boutique was different and simpler than it will be. There weren't any customers inside when we got in, Gwen was alone there, eating a lemon cupcake with milk jam. And when her eyes landed on us, she got up awkwardly and finished the cupcake in one go.

We weren't using any disguise anymore.

The moment my eyes met her dark-pink eyes that looked like a pair of gems, I felt sick. Guilty. Dirty. The last time I interacted with her, was the day I took her life away. I can't let that happen again.

She was, obviously, younger than I remembered. Being the same age as Ash, she's eighteen now. But she's still as beautiful now as she is in my memories of my past life, the only difference is that back there her hair was the length of her hips, while now, her curly forest-green hair is on her shoulders. She has tan skin and her eyes are big, but she's very slim and tall.

Well, at least she's half a head taller than me. Though she's still shorter than Ash. And speaking of him, he was staring at her as if he was considering worshiping her. Being mindlessly romantic like he is, he must be dreaming about their wedding already.

Gwen stared at Asher for a long time before turning her eyes to me, and when she did, it took her about a minute to absorb my appearance and realize who I am. That's okay. I don't plan on hiding my identity from her anyway. She bowed, blushing, "Oh my Goddess, I'm sorry for not greeting you before, Your Royal Highness," that's kind of uncomfortable.

Taking some steps forward, I stood in front of her and held both of her hands in mine. "It's okay, Miss. What's your name?"

Her eyes got up to meet mine and I smiled at her. "Gwen. Gwen Nevan, Your Royal Highness," okay, it's getting awkward. Gwen never used honorifics with me in common circumstances.

"Can I call you Gwen?"

"Of course!"

"Then call me Natasha, please. Or just Princess, if you are too uncomfortable with my first name," then I turned to my companions. "This is my assistant, Katherine Quinlan. And this dumbass here is my Knight and disciple-brother, Sir Asher Kingston!" Both of them blushed, and to put more wood in the fire, I whispered to her. "He's single, by the way."

But loud enough for him to hear it and turn bright red.

"It's an honor to make you acquaintance, Miss Quinlan," she bowed to Kate, slightly and turned to Ash. "Sir Kingston."

They shared a gaze that screamed 'I am in love with you!' and was like a scene in a romantical novel, one that Ash himself is a big fan of. It was disgusting. So, I decided to break it. They will have plenty of time to stare at each other to their heart's content, I make sure of it. I just don't have the stomach to watch such a moment unfold in front of me.

Moreover, if that moment was even a minute longer than that, I would have vomited. "So, Gwen," I began, catching her attention and getting a glimpse of a frustrated and red Asher, that made me want to laugh out loud. But I didn't, of course. "I need your help regarding my wardrobe."

"Yeah, I imagined that was the case, if you came here," now, THAT is the Gwen I remember. "I... sorry, I have a little difficulty in being polite. I..."

"It's okay, Gwen. I'm also quite straightforward. The case is, I want to get a whole new wardrobe. From undergarments and socks to ball gowns and beautiful riding clothes," she seemed surprised at first but understood my reason when she took a good look at the clothes I was wearing.

She giggled funnily, "Well, makes sense. If you allow me to ask, Princess," I nodded slightly. "Who dressed you like this?" Gwen looked offended. "It's hideous and... such an old style. The person who did this must hate your guts!"

Even Kate laughed at that, "And she does." She mumbled to herself, but I could hear that just fine. It was true though.

"You are quite right on that, Gwen. Both because this dress is ridiculous and also because my mother indeed hates me," she got a little pale at that. "Nothing new. Now, can you, do it? Are you up to this task? Because I'll need you to do it with the best quality possible and in a short period."

I thought she was glad that I had changed the topic, but she got back to it. "Yes, I can do that. And you will see that it'll be in the best quality possible," she seemed determined. "Way better than those stylists in Theolia!" I do not doubt that. "So... the rumors about Her Excellency hating you are true?"

"Yes," my answer came out easy and calm, it isn't a sensible topic anyway, so I'm okay with talking about it. "Those rumors in question, are all true."

She pointed for me to sit down with Kate, now that Asher was guarding the doors, probably because he was too shy to stay so close to her. How adorable. Then when I sat on the couch in front of her, she handed me one of the cupcakes. "Thank you," she must have caught me looking at them.

It's been ages since I last ate this. Especially because they are one of Gwen's recipes. "I hope you like it, Princess. It's my mom's special recipe, and I'm kind of addicted to baking them these days."

When I took a bite of it, it brought back to the times I used to come here to listen to some gossip, enjoy the environment and eat them. And it was as delicious as I recall them to be. "Hmm, it's amazing, Gwen." Kate agreed with me. "I also like cooking, so I would be happy if you could teach me how to make those one day."


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