027 ※ Not a Dame in Shining Armor [I]

"I THINK I FOUND THE LOVE OF MY LIFE," Asher exclaimed with a wide smile when we got into the carriage again after I paid Gwen and we sat for her to finish the job in five days. "Did you see how beautiful she is? Goddess... I think she's the most gorgeous human on earth," here we go again. It seems like his first impression didn't change a bit. "I'm going to marry this woman!" Both me and Kate stared at him and he laughed. "She just doesn't know that yet!"

Well, he is indeed going to marry her if his future keeps going like this. And by how Gwen reacted to him, I believe she's also like this. That's how love messes with one's mind. I've never been through that, and I don't want to feel that either. Seeing him like this makes me sick, but I know they will both be happy together and that's what I want to see.

I tapped his back in a supportive way. "I believe in you. And I'm cheering for you," then I turned my head to Kate, who was already blushing. "And I'll also be on your side when you find the one for you, Kate!"

She took my hands in hers and smiled kindly. "You promise?" Why is she even asking me that?

"Of course, I do."

"Then you can't go back on your word," we laughed but I couldn't help but notice how strange she was acting today. And I am the one who got back to life.

"I won't." Meeting Ash's green eyes, I nodded to him. "I'm glad you are so excited about Gwen, Ash. But now, go back to the front of the carriage." I pushed him in a friendly way and he sighed annoyed.

"Where do you want to go now?" My stomach growled and they both looked at me and then at each other. "I guess the right question should be, which restaurant do you want to go to!" He spoke in a mocking tone that made Kate laugh.

There's a place I'm used to, the food is outstanding, the chef is an acquaintance of mine and I also miss it. Because it was closed during the times of the war, when the chef, who's a retired Imperial Knight, died fighting. "Pierre's Bistro!" And thankfully, it was close to White Rose Boutique.

Nodding, he got on his seat and started taking us there. My stomach growled again and Kate stared at me in shock. "Where is your hunger coming from?" Ah, you wouldn't believe me even if I tell you. "You ate a mountain of food in your breakfast. Then you ate about ten of Miss Nevan's cupcakes all by yourself," she pointed to my belly. "Now you are hungry again."

"It's lunchtime," I spoke with a poker face.

"I never thought you would be such a glutton, Princess." She mocked me and I rolled my eyes. It must be strange for her to see me like this because when I was a kid, I used to struggle a lot just to eat a small portion. And while to me that was ages ago, for her is the present.

On top of that, the fact that I literally starved for a month before my execution, while being tortured, was a bigger enough reason for me to be like this. It's like it doesn't matter how much I eat; I keep getting even more hungry. Thankfully my metabolism is amazing and I have way too much energy in my body.

And although this body of mine has a lot of energy, it doesn't compare to my twenty-seven-year-old body. I can't make use of all my potential if I don't find a way to strengthen myself faster than I normally can. My stamina is far to be as amazing as it used to, and it frustrates me.

"Neither did I," I mumbled to her and turned my eyes to the window. The streets were full of people everywhere. And a lot of them turned their heads to see the carriage. To my tummy's happiness, we arrived at the bistro in no time.

Even before my foot touched the ground of the restaurant, my nose was filled with the delicious scent of Chef Pierre's amazing food. The building has five floors, the higher you are seated, the higher is your position on the social hierarchy. My place was up there, but I didn't want to catch unwanted attention, but before I could do something about it, Kate told them to take us to the rooftop and to get the best table at that.

However, I did not respond to her because when I was about to, she glared at me, clearly telling me, with her eyes, to stay silent and follow her lead. I was quite annoyed, but I did it either way. I couldn't care less about that when my system was breaking apart because of my hunger.

And before we could go up there, I headed to their amazing kitchen. "Darling, you are beautiful today," Pierre said with a big smile on and hugged me without ceremony. It was refreshing to speak with someone who likes me without even knowing what goes into my personal life. "It's been a while since I last saw you, dear sunflower," he calls me that because he says that the gold in my eyes reminds him of a sunflower.

I don't mind it because together with the red rose, sunflowers are my favorite. So much that back in my past life I used to have a part of the garden full of them and I would always go there when I needed to relax my mind, read a book, or stay away from Dalilah when she was with Goddess-damn Christopher. It helped me, at least.

"It's been quite... difficult. There's a lot of things to do and problems to solve," he laughed at that.

"Oh, my Goddess, if a stranger was to hear you speaking like that, they would believe you are twice your true age," he gave me a plate with a slice of pork-belly pie with apples. "Eat it, little sunflower. You seem to have gotten skinnier than last time. This slice is on the house."

That made me so happy that I hugged him again and kissed his bald head, once he is inches taller than me it was easy. "I love you, Goddess above!" Like the glutton I'm becoming, I ate it faster than I could have realized, and he laughed loudly at that sight.

"Damn, I have never seen you with such an appetite," he put another slice of the pie on my plate and made a sign for me to eat it. "Is it good?"

Taking my time to eat the pie, I only answered him when I was finished. "Good is an understatement! For Mikla's sake. You need to give me this recipe and teach Yoostaf how to make this," he seemed amused by that.


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