034 ※ Not a Dame in Shining Armor [VIII]

"BREATHE," I WHISPERED TO HER. "TRY TO CONTROL your breathing and your heartbeat. It is beating like a drum," she bit her bottom lip.

"How can you hear my heartbeat if your senses aren't heightened?" Fuck, that's a very reasonable question and one I don't like to answer.

"The right question should be 'who can't hear it?' Sabrina," she went silent and did as I told her to.

Most people forget that heightened senses are a type of magic that directly affects one's body. It's a necessary point to become a Knight or Dame, and it's common among everybody. And because of that, they treat it as ordinary and non-magical.

I was born with it, just like Valerian and Dalilah, while Octavian wasn't. Both my parents also have it. But somehow, when Bob robbed my ice magic and my telepathy, he left me with this. So, I always wondered that he must have also been born with it, so he didn't need mine.