097 ※ Frozen Sea in the Archipelago K'hir [VIII]

"I CAN'T HELP BUT QUESTION WHAT KIND OF MISFORTUNE happened to you, child, to make you think like that," I could feel Ruby's pain in her voice. "To make you disregard your life like this. You are only 13 years old and already think that your loved ones would be safer without you in their lives."

Her eyes stared at mine as if she was looking at my soul, but I kept a straight face. Refusing to say anything, knowing that it wouldn't help them to understand my side. And that was when I sensed two familiar auras coming closer.

When I turned my eyes in their direction, I saw Asher and Kate about four to five meters from us. "It's my Knight and my aide," I told the twins, diverting my gaze to them. "We'll be staying together on this ship for a while before we reach our destinations. The three of us will have the chance to meet and talk again," I put a gentle smile on. "Now, could you please let down the sound barrier?"