
[Most of the prophecies are related to those born during the three Erebus Advents that occurred after the human raced was created, which is talked about in the book between chapters 258 and 266, and all of them were or will be later adapted into Ballads within the story. It's not necessarily a spoiler. You can hear the Ballads as actual songs in the Discord server, the link is in the bio.]


1st Prophecy [Stradivarius K'hir]

» The Prophecy of the Eternal King «

In the age when shadows swallow the sky,

And the Erebus Advent draws nigh,

A child of royal blood shall weep,

Born where the sun and the stars fall asleep.

In the silent hours of endless night,

His fate is woven in Death's dark light.

The Goddess of Death, with fingers cold,

Shall mark him young, to shape and mold.

She'll grant him power over time's thread—

To spin the future, to wake the dead.

Yet heed my words, for peace he'll crave,

A king not of war, but a soul to save.

Ah, but kingdoms fall, and kingdoms rise,

On greed's black wings, beneath jealous skies.

The boy shall grow, the crown shall fall,

His people perish to ambition's call.

No vengeance shall he seek or cry—

No fire in his unblinking eye.

For death he knows, its whisper clear,

Yet never shall it rule his fear.

From ruin's ash, a new land stirs,

Hidden beneath the time that blurs.

With spells untold, and magic deep,

He'll weave a place where none shall sleep.

Time will cease, no ages flow,

In this realm where none shall grow.

Frozen still, his people stay,

Trapped within eternal day.

Centuries pass like fleeting dreams,

And still he guards where silence teems.

The strongest mage, yet bound by peace,

His power grows, but wars must cease.

The world outside will age and turn,

While in his land, the stars don't burn.

No tear shall fall, no sword be raised—

In stillness, they remain amazed.

Beware the day, when cries are heard,

When war returns with sharpened word.

For though he sleeps, he shall awake,

The world to mend, or the world to break.

No sword he needs, no warrior's hand—

Time itself is his command.

No mortal age can touch his skin,

No wrath of gods, nor worldly sin.

For he who lost all, gained so much more,

A king eternal, from death's own door.

The Goddess whispers still his name,

Yet peace, not death, he stakes his claim.

So listen close, to what I tell:

When the winds of war begin to swell,

Seek not the blade, nor fire's breath—

But the man who dwells in timeless death.

In the land where time stands still,

He guards his people, waits until

The world is ready for his peace—

Only then shall his watch release.

The sands of time, in his hands, lie bare—

The King of Peace, beyond compare.

But peace, my child, is not so light—

Even the calm must face the night.


2nd Prophecy [Alexander Nicholai & Ivar Meredithian]

» The Prophecy of Sun & Shadow «

When the longest night doth claim the sky,

And the sun's bright flame doth fade and die,

Two kings shall rise from lands afar,

Beneath no common moon or star.

One born of light, one born of shade,

Destined to clash, their paths well laid.

In eastern lands where dawn's light wakes,

A Saint shall rise for mercy's sake.

His hands will heal, his heart be pure,

But only war his fate will cure.

With sword of gold and shield of flame,

He bears the weight of a kingdom's name.

In western realms, where shadows creep,

A Prince of darkness wakes from sleep.

His crown is cold, his heart is steel,

He fights to rule, he fights to kill.

With armies vast and hunger deep,

He'll make the world's foundations weep.

Though oceans wide between them roar,

Their fates entwine in ancient lore.

No kin, no bond, yet enemies sworn,

Since the cursed day each king was born.

Two Empires rise, their power vast,

But only one in the end shall last.

Light cannot rise where shadow reigns,

And shadow fades in light's bright chains.

They'll meet in battle, blade to blade,

As kingdoms burn and empires fade.

One seeks to see the world undone,

The other guards it from the sun.

War shall sweep both land and sea,

Their names enshrined in destiny.

No peace shall come, no truce be found,

Till one lies broken on the ground.

And when the final sword is swung,

The victor crowned, the song half-sung.

Beware, O world, the hour draws near

When light and dark shall clash with fear.

The Saint and Shadow, blood entwined,

Shall shape the fate of all mankind.


3rd Prophecy [Natasha & Dalilah Nicholai]

» The Prophecy of the Bloodbound Twins «

When Erebus swallows the light of day,

Two sisters are born where shadows lay.

One will rise with hate in her breath,

To break the world and summon death.

The other, cursed with a fractured soul,

Must wield dark power to keep it whole.

Bound by blood, in strife they're tied—

One to destroy, one to defy.

In the clash of kin, the world shall break,

Or from her hand, salvation take.

Dawn returns if she makes her stand,

Or darkness claims the dying land.


4th Prophecy [Natasha Nicholai & Joshua Caspien]

» The Prophecy of the Golden Eyes & the Two-Faced Soul «

In the hour when shadows dance and the stars weep,

A figure shall rise, marked by golden eyes and a shattered soul.

Bathed in blood, yet untouched by mercy,

She is the one who walks beneath the veil of time,

Guarded by darkness, cradled by death's cold hand.

Ice fills her veins where once warmth flowed,

Her heart a fortress of frost, her spirit bound by the weight of the forgotten.

But fate turns upon a hidden key:

The two-faced soul, fragmented and torn,

A boy of steel will, yet broken by the greed of others.

Though they may seem like opposite flames,

They are but two sides of the same coin—

Mirror to each other's pain, bound by unseen threads.

The golden-eyed one, drenched in crimson, must seek him,

For only by saving the boy, can she find what she seeks.

In his fractured soul lies the answer to her own,

And by healing him, shall she stitch together the pieces of her own shattered heart.

Heed this truth, for it is fate's cruel whisper:

The salvation of the steel-hearted boy

Shall be the redemption of the blood-soaked guardian.

In saving him, she will save herself,

And the dawn that follows shall carry both light and shadow—

Bound forever in their shared fate.