Two Realms

"W-why?" she looked at him through blurry eyes, blood seeping from her stabbed wound.

He looked at her with fiery yellow eyes with no emotion in them. Cold.

"Because" he took a step towards her and wiped the tears that slipped from her eyes.

"We are destined to be each other's end" and pushed her down from the cliff.

She was falling. But all she was feeling was not fear but pain.. in her heart.

"Why it had to be you of all people?" she silently questioned her stars.

She saw him standing there watching her fall to her death, the wind brushing his snowy white hair.

She finally closed her eyes and waited for the deep ocean to engulf her.

"...- you" she smiled, a blood tear slipping from her closed eyes.





18 years ago...

On the same day, two children were born.

One under the depth of oceans, another above the skies.

Different kingdoms, different realms, different powers, different beings..yet they were connected. Connected to destroy each other. To become the end of each other.




*In The water realm*

"The princess is born !"

"The light to our kingdom is finally here" announced the king.

All the merfolks were beaming with joy.

Finally, the day has come..the day that they have been waiting for ages.

Why? Why were they so overjoyed with the birth of the princess?

Because she would bring the end to their misery. End to this war between the merfolks and the Fenix.

Like the merfolks were the ruler of the oceans, the water realm, the Fenixs was the ruler of the skies, the fire realm.

It is said that the Fenixs were made of lava and their wings with blazing smokeless fire.

They had features that of an Angel, but in no way they were like Angels.

They were wicked.

They liked killing the merfolks or any other living creature without any reason..they enjoyed watching them suffer.

And one day when the Great Mer Queen Cinzia put a curse on the Fenix that one day they would lose what is most precious to them and will themself bring their kingdom down...the war started.

They fought for centuries. Billions of life were taken and there was no sign of stopping. Until one day, a prophecy was announced by the great priest of the water realm.

The Prophecy said that "One day, the princess with blazing red hair and eyes blue as the depth of the sea, with power to control any realm, with the kind of power that no one ever had nor the capacity to handle it, would be born. And that princess will bring an end to this war"



And today was the day.

The day when the blazing princess was born. The day that the prophecy has finally come true.


While the entire water realm was celebrating the birth of their Princess, they were unaware of what was going on in the Fire realm.

They had no idea of the storm that was coming their way along with the damages it will bring...




*Fire realm*

The fire realm, the kingdom of the Fenix..who are known for their immense power, ruthlessness, their wickedness ..was in despair.


Because the future of their kingdom was at stake. .as well as the royal bloodline. And the fact that only the royal bloodline can rule the kingdom and keep it in balance wasn't helping either.

It is said that the first-ever Fenix "Yves" who was created by God Himself, was made from the Eternal Flame that never distinguishes.

God cherished him and gave him immense power.

He made the Fire realm and was the First King. He was very kind and loved making his subjects happy.

He never thought that his descendants would one day be so wicked and greedy.

After him, only his descendants took over his place and ruled the kingdom, and kept it in Balance. Only the royal bloodline had the power and capacity to do so.

Two things are practically the life of the Kingdom.

The Eternal Flame: that gives the kingdom its power

And the royal bloodline itself: that keep it in Balance.

Without these two things, the kingdom will shatter to pieces in no time.

But after the curse was put on the Fenix by Cinzia, one by one the royal bloodline started to disappear or die for some unknown reason and now they were only left with the present King and Queen -the last of the royal bloodline, with no heir.

They tried everything but weren't able to give their Kingdom an heir. It was like God was punishing the Fenixs for all the wrongs they did and was not planning to forgive them no matter what they do.

Now the whole kingdom was at stake.

With no heir to be the future King, they didn't know what to do.

They were worried about the future of the fire realm with the curse that was put on them.

But one day, as Destiny had it written long ago, The Greatest priest of the fire realm who went missing for 3 years, showed up before the Royals, holding a bowl made of a heavenly element with a blazing fire in it.

It was only a small portion of the Eternal Flame, the Flame that only the Royals and the greatest of priests can get close to.

When the Priest asked the Queen to consume the flame, she didn't waste a single moment doing what she was told to, not even letting the priest finish what he was going to say afterward.

She wanted the Child.

She desperately wanted the child.

For the sake of the kingdom..for the sake of herself.

But before the Priest could inform them of any other thing, he turned to ashes in front of the royals before their eyes.

They thought the Priest sacrificed his life just to bring the Eternal Flame to them.

But they didn't know that he didn't sacrifice himself, It was the Eternal flame itself, that's what it took from him for stealing its flame: His life.

After the incident, it only took a month for the Queen to finally get pregnant.

The whole realm released a sigh of relief as they would soon have their heir and their despair would disappear.

But they didn't have any single idea of the connection that has already been made between the Eternal Flame and their heir.

His fate was already written by Destiny before he was even born.