19. Explosive emotions

But Jennifer doesn't care at all.With arrogance, the woman said something painful to Steven.

"As you can see,I am happy with my life right now.Said Jennifer who only smiled sweetly when Steven looked at her.

"Are you still in touch with that man?Asked Steven one more time.He hoped that Jennifer would break up with her lover.So that Steven can have another chance to enter into the heart of her former lover.

"Never mind,Don't bring up the story from the past.I'm happy and comfortable with my life.My relationship with you is over.Answer Jennifer who began to feel uncomfortable with the questions Steven was asking him.

Jennifer knew where all Steven questions were leading to her.Especially if not to invite her back to making love and reuniting, it is true that the love that had broken up in the past.

The speeding car suddenly breaks by an angry and disappointed Steven.To make Jennifer no forehead startled and almost hit.

"Hey!"What are you doing?If you want to die, just kill yourself!" Shouts and angry Jennifer at Steven for putting her in danger.The wound from falling because Stevens nephew (Akira) pushed him earlier still hurts.Now his uncle also wants to kill him on the highway.What an unlucky day for Jennifer.

Steven stared at Jennifer with a gaze filled with rage.This course made Jennifer scared and goosebumps because Steven did not usually do things like that.Jennifer knows that Steven was a gentle person during their past relationships.This man never even spoke harshly to him.Especially to the point of violence such as hitting or slapping.

"You! "How can you live happily after leaving me?Do you know how hard it is for me to get through with this life after your departure?You mean Jennifer?"

Steven suddenly burst out with anger.This man did not even hesitate to choke Jennifer on his neck at that time, which made it difficult for the beautiful woman to breathe.

"Let's go!Let's go."

Jennifer started to wriggling, her hands grabbed Stevens hands which were on her neck, and tried to release Stevens hands which were already choking her neck.This beautiful woman is almost running out of breath.Her face looked very red and her head was dizzy.Jennifer had to hurry to get off Stevens hands that was choking her neck or she would die at this.

"St...Stev... Steven,You!"

Both of these beautiful women arent eyes bulged and took a sharp note of Steven.Jennifer didn't think Steven would choke on her.Then in a few moments, Jennifer body was starting to limp, and was no longer able to rebel or speak a word.This beautiful woman passed away due to a lack of oxygen.

Jennifer dropped weak and closed her eyes.


"You died, Jennifer!"I won't let other men have you, baby...Ha... ha...Ha... ha...Why are you so cruel honey?I love you so much but you instead choose another man and left me."

His hand from Jennifer didn't neck, when he realized the beautiful woman was motionless and limp.

"Jenny."Jenny.Don't you joke?No honey, you can leave me."

Steven hugged Jennifer, his limp body.He felt sorry for doing such rude things to the woman he loved so much.

"Jenny."Listen to it!You can't die, or I'll kill you!You heard that?!"

Steven began to panic because he saw that his lover had not moved.He kept trying to revive Jennifer, who had closed her eyes tightly.Even when Steven shook Jennifer body over and over and screamed for Jennifer her name, hoping that Jennifer would open her eyes and see her now.The beautiful woman still hasn't responded.Steven put his finger in front of Jennifer nose, to make sure her ex-lover was still breathing.Then put his ear on Jennifer chest to find out, whether Jennifers heart is still beating.The last thing Steven did was take Jennifer to Pulse.

Steven removed the seat belt that was worn by Jennifer and hugged her tightly.Stevens tears can't stop.It was clear if Steven loved that beautiful woman and regretted what she had done.

Steven doesn't know what else to do next?Maybe Jennifer would hate it a lot. Earlier, he was too emotional when he heard Jennifer doesn't care about Stevens feelings and suffering all this time due to breaking up with him.This made Steven get angry and lost control.

*How is Jennifer?Will Jennifer be okay and be able to survive clutch her former lover?