32. don't be like you!

Jason led Jennifer to the guest room not far from the main room occupied by Jason and Jasmine before. This is to make it easier for the two of them to meet each other. When the two headed for the guest room. They saw a servant who was standing in front of Akira's door.

"very noisy. voice so ugly, still singing" Muttered Jennifer who heard Akira's voice singing from the room.

"what are you doing here?" Jason asked the servant.

The servant turned and greeted Jason and Jennifer.

"I delivered the young lady's bag. But since earlier the young lady did not open the door, even though I had knocked on the door and called her several times. " The servant said, explaining his purpose.

Jennifer just smiled sarcastically. Hearing the girl singing so loudly and no music at all. she can already guess that Akira's ears must be covered by the headset/headphone. So it was useless for the maid to scream until her mouth was dry too, the bad girl wouldn't hear her.

Jason tried knocking and calling his daughter several times. But the results are the same. Akira didn't hear Jason's call and kept singing loudly like before.

Jennifer just laughed, it was ridiculous to her. Why don't they just open the door to the room? Listen once the business will finish quickly and she also doesn't have to listen to Akira's voice that hurts her ears.

Check …

Jennifer took the initiative to open Akira's door, which happened to be unlocked. This was a chance for her to avenge the girl's act of humiliating her in front of Jason and the other maids in the living room.

Akira is seen singing while dancing happily on the bed. Jason and the servants were just stunned at Akira's ridiculous behavior, which seemed not to describe a young lady from a rich, educated, and elegant family.

Jennifer immediately stepped into Akira's room. The woman stands proudly with her arms crossed in front of her chest. Staring at Akira with a mocking smile.

Akira, who saw that annoying woman's face in front of her, immediately stopped singing and dancing. Then remove the headphones she is wearing. This girl looked at Jennifer with great annoyance. The woman had not been deterred from looking for trouble with her and had just set foot in this house. Jennifer had dared to enter her room.

Jennifer walked closer to the edge of Akira's bed. Then the woman said something very quietly and maybe only Akira heard it. "Hmm… is this the behavior of young Miss Kyle? It's ridiculous and disgusting, it's more appropriate to be a kid growing up on the street. "

Hearing what Jennifer said, I felt emotion. The woman thought, whose house was she at? How dare Jennifer insult me ​​who is the owner of the house. Looks like that woman doesn't know where she is now ?. That woman is too brave, only because her father supports and defends her. It's not that I wouldn't dare touch it. I am his daughter, there is no way that woman will be able to get rid of me so easily. "Okay. You started the fire. You should have known the consequences? " Akira looked down and whispered in Jennifer's ear.

Akira smirked at Jennifer. That smile had made Jennifer stand up and walked backward slowly from Akira's bed. Jennifer has a bad feeling, what other crazy thing will that bad girl do? Not. Maybe he better get out of the room now before it's too late.

Just when Jennifer stepped foot, Akira had screamed for her and jumped from the top of the bed to Jennifer's back. "Aunt, do you know what silly thing is?"

Bruukk ...

"arggg ... hurt." Jennifer fell on his stomach on the floor and Akira sat on her back. she was no longer able to move her body. Her bones felt broken and crushed under the weight of the tens of kilograms that were thrown on her body. It happened so fast that Jennifer didn't have time to escape.

"Akira! What are you doing?" shouted Jason who was also shocked to see his daughter's crazy deed. Jason immediately ran and asked Akira to get up from above Jennifer's body. Jason brought Jennifer to Kyle's residence so that it would be easier for them to meet every day because of caring for Jennifer's illness until he recovered because Jennifer's illness was caused by Akira. But if things continue like today. Jennifer may not recover quickly but will lose her life because of Akira.

"How? Is it so fun to be silly? " whispered Akira before moving from above the body of Jennifer helpless

"Geez… how embarrassing. Turns out like this is the behavior of women in rich families? " Said the servant who witnessed the embarrassing incident in his heart.