26. She started lying

Jennifer managed to escape from Steven's grip when the man had left for the office this morning. A servant alone would not be able to prevent him from leaving the abyss of torment. A day with his ex-lover is like living in hell. What kind of love only puts pressure and suffering on the partner. It is just selfishness that demands satisfaction.

"Huff ... finally I can go home too."

Jennifer lay on the chair in the living room. She can now breathe freely for a moment. At least in the apartment, there is no man named Steven who is a psychopath.

"Are you home? Tell me, where did you go last night ?. "

Jennifer gasped and immediately opened her eyes which had been closed for a moment. The voice was very familiar. Yes, Jason. Her lover is in his apartment at the moment.

"you. When did you come? "

Her head looked up over Jason's displeased face. "Did you bring this food for me?" Jennifer immediately got up and opened the food box on the table. The bad smell began to smell from inside the lunch box. The stale smell of stale food made her nauseous and almost vomited her entire stomach. Jennifer closed the lunch box again and put it in plastic and threw it into the trash. From the food alone, it was clear that Jason had been in her apartment for a long time.

"You came last night? Sorry I stayed at Reyna's house last night. It's her birthday, I as her best friend of course have to come and accompany her to that beautiful moment. "

Jennifer tried to be as natural as possible in front of Jason. She doesn't want her lover to know that she spent the night with Steven in a private villa owned by her former lover. Although that was not Jennifer's wish. but still, Jennifer had to keep it a secret from Jason.

Jason looked at Jennifer with suspicion. "she lied to me. Last night I had called Reyna and Jennifer was not with her at all. " Even though Jason knew that his woman had lied to him, Jason could only speak to himself and chose to investigate in advance about Jennifer's departure last night.

"Oh, Reyna's birthday. Why didn't she invite me? I have to call her and give her a gift. " Jason said with a smile as if he didn't know Jennifer's lie at this point.

Jennifer started to panic. If Jason calls Reyna and wishes her best friend a happy birthday, all her lies will be revealed.

"DO NOT! That's not necessary. '' Jennifer immediately prevented Jason from calling her best friend and grabbed Jason's cell phone immediately.

"Why? she's your best friend. Of course, I had to give her a present as thanks for taking care of you last night. After all, she's also having a birthday, this is a perfect time, right? "

"no need. Honey, you don't have to. Reyna knows you are very busy with your wife's funeral. So, she can tolerate it. "

  Jennifer took Jason's hand and hugged her to distract Jason. If the problem that did not come home last night is still being discussed, over time Jennifer is afraid that she will slip up and even reveal all the secrets of her relationship with Steven.

"Honey, aren't you free now?" When are you going to marry me? "

Jennifer clung affectionately to Jason's neck. As usual, this beautiful woman is always spoiled, when there is a desire. The sooner Jason married her, there was no need to be afraid about the cost of living and also the threat of Steven to her. Jason owned a lot of possessions and a great business. Of course, Steven is no match for her. The man in front of her was also very gentle to her, in contrast to Steven who often played with hitting hands and even choked her almost to death.

"Of course. We'll get married later. " Said Jason who replied to Jennifer's warm treatment. Indeed, Jason could never resist the charm of the woman in front of him. Even though he was angry. That anger will not last long in the face of Jennifer.

Jennifer was so happy to hear Jason's answer. Finally, her dream to become the mistress of the Kyle family to replace Jasmine will soon be fulfilled.

"really? You're not lying? " asked Jennifer again to reassure herself that she had heard correctly.

"no, I am serious. We will get married as soon as possible. " Jason's answer dispelled Jennifer's doubts.


the Arion family resident

Abercio is still lying on his bed. The pain can still be felt in juniors. "What are the results of the examination? Is everything okay? That girl is crazy! He kicked the part hard. " Ask Abercio to Doctor William. Even though Abercio is so cold and doesn't care about the flirtatious women around him, that doesn't mean he doesn't care about the future of his offspring.