34. I Miss You, Mom

Akira just waved her hand casually to let Jennifer go to the hospital. she didn't care what the servants or the father thought? What is clear is that I am sure that after ther the woman will think a thousand times to dream of living and becoming the big lady in this family.

"Uhh... so hungry. Looks like it's lunchtime. Because of that woman, I didn't get my breakfast this morning. You drama queen! " Akira grumbled while holding her stomach which already felt choked due to late eating.

The girl got up from her seat and walked towards the door. When walking, her eyes accidentally fixed on a small bag that was lying on the table. Of course, Akira felt very familiar with that bag. The shape, color, and all of its features were very similar to the bag he had lost at the bus stop that night. In her heart the girl was curious, could it be Jennifer's bag? Because it seemed impossible that the bag was hers. Even if it belongs to her, who is the person who was so kind to send the bag to Kyle's residence?

Akira's two hands began to open the place and to check the items inside. The contents of the bag are all her belongings and all are still intact. Starting from her wallet, money, even her cellphone is still in it. Even though the condition of her cell phone was damaged and broken on the screen.

Akira still remembers that the cell phone fell when she received a call from the hospital informing her that her mother had passed away. At that time Akira was very shocked and could not accept the reality. Her whole body immediately felt weak, so that the cellphone in her hand fell to the ground just like that. It's very unfortunate if her favorite cell phone is damaged. There are so many memories of Akira with her mother in it such as photos and videos of the two of them together. Next, she opened her wallet. Instantly the girl's tears dripped. It is not a matter of money, credit cards, or other items in the wallet. It's a photo that I would keep in it.

The girl always brought a family photo where there was Akira, her mother, and father who were happily playing in the park. A cute smile without the burden of a little girl with both parents who love her.

"Mother… Why did you leave me alone? I miss you, mom? " She hugged the photo to her chest. Her eyes never stopped shedding tears. Recently her mother passed away, but Akira's longing for her mother cannot be described in words.

The servant who brought the bag just stood at the door, without daring to disturb Akira who was crying alone in the room. At first, the maid wanted to tell her young lady that her missing bag had been found and sent by a man to Kyle's residence. But it seems that the young lady already knows if the bag is back, and checks the items inside. The servant immediately left the place and continued her work.


"Lex, have you done something I wanted?"

Abercio looks so serious looking at his laptop monitor screen. Although doctor William had asked him to rest and gave him some medicine. But that in no way made this cold and cruel man obey. He's a workaholic. There is nothing that can prevent him from working, even when he is sick.

"What do you mean about that girl?" asked Alex, who looked more relaxed at work. Abercio's assistant and nephew are just sitting on a chair in the abercio room. The two of them were not at the company but in Abercio's study in Arion's residence.

"Yes," This man always spoke as necessary.

Alex walks over to Abercio's desk and hands over a folder containing all the information about Akira that he can get.

"Everything is in that folder. That girl didn't lie to you at all. She is indeed the young lady of the Kyle family. That night when you ran into her, her mother had died in downtown A's hospital. It looks like the girl was in a hurry to the hospital that night. But I feel something is a little strange? Why does a young lady from a rich family seem to have to run on the streets during such a rainstorm? " a young lady from a rich family should be driven by a private driver wherever she is going. Even though there is no driver, at least there will still be a car at Kyle's residence that can be used. {mind}

Alex is still rambling on to himself with all his suspicions and hypotheses, about the possible things that caused Akira to be hit by an abercio car that night.