45. Mother's arrival [2]

Arriving at the dining room Charlotte asked Abercio and Alex to sit down. Scarlet started to take the plate on the table then took enough rice and side dishes to give to her son and nephew. 

Abercio and Alex, who had longed for such a warm atmosphere, smiled happily. Finally, they can get together again like they used to enjoy the dinner together that they have missed for the past 5 years. 

"Hi, why are you just staring at me? Come on, let's eat quickly and your food will get cold." Tell her son and Alex.

The two handsome boys who are Charlotte's pride in the Arion residence, once again only replied with smiles. No food is more delicious than the food made by his mother. Even though it is a food made by famous chefs. Even though tonight Charlotte only accompanied and brought food for baby boys and spoiled children to eat. This made her very happy.