78. One clap, two flies die

Alice looks still so upset and holds a grudge against her future half-sister. If today she didn't have to look beautiful and flawless in front of Abercio, maybe it wouldn't hurt to teach the arrogant girl in front of her a lesson.

"Hey, witch and her descendants," Akira said in a disdainful tone and smirked to anger the two parasitic women who grew up in Her house. They both looked very healthy. Shouldn't it be time for them all to leave Kyle's house? Akira thought, suddenly remembering Her father's words which became the basis for allowing this woman to stay at Kyle's residence.

Hearing Akira's words when Jennifer's ears felt hot and her heart burned with emotion, how could a woman and a beautiful model seem to be a witch? Maybe the naughty girl's eyes had crossed and had problems with Her vision.