82. One slap, one kiss

"No, not at all interested," Abercio said. What Abercio meant was that he had no interest in inviting Alice or making her one of the employees at Arion's company. Moreover, there is already an HR department in the company looking for employees. So, there's no need for him as a president to have to step in on his own to find employees.

"Are you sure little Uncle? I think I was looking at him down there." Alex said while pointing to one of the places near the entrance of Arion's company.

Abercio was not at all interested in Alex's words. He still looks indifferent and focused on his work. But Akira showed a different attitude. The girl walked over to Alex who was standing on the glass that stretched to replace the wall giving a panoramic view of the metropolis. 

"Who do you see?" Akira asked Herself looking down. She was standing in the same place beside Alex.