90. I hope a savior angel will come


The little pumpkin and the big pumpkin kept chasing Akira, even though the girl could only circle the garden to escape the two sweet-faced beasts. Rotating fountains, flower pots, fish ponds, and whatever it is to get rid of the two terrible creatures. "

"Don't chase me. Help me..." Akira kept running and running until she finally found a mango tree. This beautiful girl climbed the tree as fast as she could.


Sweet and big pumpkins stopped chasing. The two animals tried to climb the tree, but couldn't. Ended up just circling the tree.

Hmmm.... Very similar to the owner. Handsome Abercio, but cold and cruel. You three are both bastards. Akira cursed in Her heart. You just have a weapon at this time, she must have killed the two animals and chopped them finely. Akira opened her eyes wide and stared intently to scare the animals away. but the two animals were not afraid at all.